Regarding Arkham

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Jim and Alyssa spent hours in that cell, mostly in silence. Brooding was good for neither of them however, so eventually Alyssa spoke up.

"If you're going to be thinking so loudly, can you at least tell me what's going on in that head of your's?"

"Barnes is gonna get us both killed." he said shortly.

"Pretty sure we can do that on our own. One more punch on my card and I get a free sandwich." Alyssa smirked.

"Is everything a joke to you?" Jim looked over his shoulder at her from where he stood at the gate. He had barely sat down since it had been shut.

"Mostly yeah. How do you think I've stayed sane all these years?"

"I have my doubts about your sanity." he turned back to the precinct.

"That's nice, am I the pot or the kettle this time?"

"What the hell's that supposed to mean?" he turned to face her fully.

"Boyscout, you and I have more in common than either of us would like to admit." Alyssa said idly, pushing herself up from where she was laying on the cell bench. "Don't think I don't know that look; the struggle to find solid ground. I've seen it in the mirror far too many times."

"....And what would you propose?"

"Run for your life." she said simply.

His eyes flickered to the ground for a moment before he turned back to the gate, his grip on the bars making his knuckles white. Alyssa sighed and laid back on the bench. She knew she ought to be more worried about the assassin that was looking for her cellmate, and would likely take out her in the process, but for some reason she couldn't bring herself to care. It all seemed so stupid. So pointless. Why should she?


When Barnes finally did return, Jim gave him a look that begged for information.

"No news from the search."

"Let us outta here."

"This is for your own good, both of you. Trust me, you've broken enough laws for one day."

"There are times when breaking the law is the right thing to do."

"And who gets to decide that? You?"

"Yeah." Jim nodded. "Someone has to."

"No Jim, you're wrong. Look where Gotham's going. Maniacs, perverts, freaks crawling out of every hole? Its like a sea of evil flooding the city. If a man doesn't cling onto the law, he'll loose his bearings. Drown."

"City was like this long before you arrived Barnes." Alyssa informed, drawing their attention. "Tried to warn you."

The light she'd been staring at flickered and went out then, along with all the others in the building.

"Blackout?" Barnes wagered.

"I don't think so." Jim said.

"Yeah, me neither."

It was eerily quiet for a moment before something burst dramatically through the top window. Alyssa looked up to see Azrael standing on top of the clock that overlooked the room. He jumped down, his cape fluttering behind him.

"James Gordon."

"Back up, against the cell!" Barnes ordered his officers, who were quick to surround Jim and Alyssa. "This is Captain Barnes of the GCPD. Whoever you are, step into the light, or we will take you out."

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