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Warnings: Mature themes, the other Ed says some suggestive things. Don't like, skip over it.


Two more candidates in the race for mayor had turned up dead, but that did nothing to deter Alyssa. Her kids had turned the flea into her own little campaign office – and there was something very satisfying about seeing her face on those red white and blue signs.

Not to say they weren't worried as well, her kids weren't idiots. They knew what had been happening to the other candidates, and none of them wanted such a fate for their mother. Including the ones who had moved away from Gotham and had families of their own – they had all sent their support, and Alyssa now had two retired MMA fighters following her everywhere.

Oh yes, it was good to be queen.

Speaking of queen, she hadn't heard from Oswald since she'd confronted him. He'd sent a few other attacks, but they were halfhearted, as if he wanted them to fail, which he probably did.

Selina was the most worried. She had come so close to loosing Alyssa once already and it had been hell. She didn't want to go through that again.

Which was why she had become glued to her mother's side as well. Well, until Alyssa had asked why she wasn't spending time with Bruce, and received a less than happy explanation.

"Ms. Connors." Alfred greeted as he let the woman into the manor. "I'm afraid Master Bruce is at school at the moment."

"Oh I came to see you." she corrected.

"That so? How may I be of assistance?"


Alfred held his cheek, and looked at her stunned.

"Don't ever lay a hand on my daughter again." Alyssa said seriously.

"Now see here –"

"Never. Again." she glared at him.


Even with how busy and complicated her life had become, Alyssa still noticed that something was going on with Edward.

There were times when he was his usual self; sweet, know-it-all who fumbled in social situations.

But there were also times when he was the exact opposite; confident, tough, and seemed to be far more physically affectionate than the Edward she knew.

While the second one did succeed in making her brain go fuzzy, she liked her sweet know-it-all better. That was the man she'd fallen in love with.

The confident Edward seemed to be catching other eyes as well however. Namely; Kristen Kringle.

For someone who had found him down right repulsive, she seemed to melt when he was confident and, admittedly, sexy.

It annoyed Alyssa to no end. The woman seemed perfectly comfortable flirting with a man she knew was taken. The confident Edward liked to tease her about being jealous, while the sweet know-it-all didn't seem to know what she was talking about.

Either way, both agreed that she was the only girl for him. They just had different ways of expressing that....

Alyssa gasped sharply as he bit at her neck. He had pinned her against the wall of his office at the GCPD, and after winning several games of tonsil hockey had switched to leaving hickeys on her neck.

"Ed..." she said breathlessly.

"I love you." he whispered in her ear. "You know that, don't you?"

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