Bottle Girl

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Alyssa had always visited the precinct more than a private citizen should, but now she was mostly there for Edward. They were slowly but surely rebuilding their relationship – stablely this time. Alyssa didn't keep secrets from him anymore; she was completely honest no matter how harsh the truth was. Vise versa, Edward was doing his best to be more understanding – Gotham was a hard city to get and keep power in, but Alyssa was a good person.

They were talking about the gallery showing coming up – mostly Edward calming Alyssa's worries about seeing Jamie again – when the smile fell off Edward's face.

"Uh oh. Usually when people get that look, Mayor James is behind me." Alyssa turned around. "Oh, officer Flass. Ugh, that's even worse."

"Lovely to see you too, Ms. Connors." the man said sarcastically before looking over his shoulder. "Ed, Gordon and Bullock want you in the front questioning room. Witness is dead."

"Oh dear." Edward said, pushing his glasses up. "I-I had better get over there." his comfort with Alyssa had faded and he was back to his awkward self.

"I'll go with you." Alyssa said, grimacing at the looks officer Flass was giving her. Why were so many of the cops here pigs?

Alyssa had been coming here since she was a kid, and not many of the employees approved of her existence, let alone her being in the precinct without police business. But it certainly didn't stop them from staring as she...ahem...grew up.


"How the hell did this happen?" Jim exclaimed, clearly upset.

"Security cameras in and outside the room were turned off." Harvey informed.

"Ed, you got any thoughts on the weapon?"

He grinned. "What's strong enough to smash ships, but still fears the sun?"

"Can it with the riddles, Ed!" Harvey yelled. "I don't have the patience, today, or any day."

"Ice." Alyssa informed. "That was an easy one; maybe you should get that patience Harv." the detective glared at her.

"Correct." Edward smiled at her. "Judging by the circumference of the wounds, I believe the weapon is an ice pick. Carbon steel six inches long. Driven in deep enough that it marked the surrounding tissue with distinctive hexagonal handle. Its not your standard kitchen fair. Fun fact gentlemen – and lady." he threw Alyssa another smile. "Mr. Wankler's wounds here are the exact same as the wounds on the victim from this morning."

"The drug dealer? Littlefield?" Jim frowned.

"Him." Edward nodded. "Same weapon. Same killer, one would suppose."


Ring ring!


"Ms. Connors?"

"Bruce. How are you?" Alyssa asked. She hadn't spoken to the young boy or his butler since they had been attacked by assassins.

"I'm well. I was actually calling to check up on you and Selina; I haven't heard from you in a while."

"Other than the usual trouble, we're fine." she smiled, touched that he was worried about them. Though she had a feeling his concerns were pointed more towards her daughter than herself.

"Good, that's good..." Bruce trailed off.

Alyssa chuckled. "If you want Selina to come see you, all you have to do is ask Brucie."

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