On The Honor Of A Boyscout

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A/N: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2TDMDaOgbQ

It was only the morning after Alyssa had brought Oswald back to the hotel that Bruce showed up at her door.

"Brucie." She greeted. "Been a while. What can I do for you?"

"I was hoping I could stay with you for a while, Ms. Connors. I'd earn my keep like the rest of your children."

Alyssa frowned. "Are you kidding? Alfred would kill me. Then you. Then, me again."

"You needn't worry about him. I'm sure he'll respect my decision."

"What's brought this on?" her voice took on its natural mothering tone.

Bruce looked down. "I found the man that killed my parents. He confessed."

"More hollow of a victory than you thought?"

"....I had the gun in my hand. He wanted me to pull the trigger. Said...'a man gets tired of doing bad, and going unpunished.' He shot himself when I left the room."

"Damn." Alyssa sighed. "Well he's right, you know. Even the best killers expect something to happen. No matter how fast you run, fate catches up with everyone."

"I want to understand how it all works." Bruce declared, his conviction returning. "Why anyone would choose a life like that if they knew what it would do to them. But to do so, I need to learn how to live in the same world other people live in. I need to understand the darkness, and the evil. Not just at Wayne Enterprises, but in the bad parts of town. No one knows more about Gotham than you, and as such you're the most worthy consultant."

Alyssa chuckled, smirking slightly. "Well look sharp kid. Class is in session."


Alyssa took a bit of devilish delight in assigning Bruce to several mucky, hefty chores. He had asked to be treated like one of her kids, and he was; but newbies often got hazed. Mama Gotham's children were as family oriented as she was, and while everyone was always welcome, you had to earn your right to be a member of their family. Prove yourself.

To his credit, Bruce took the hardships rather well. The kids may have been treating him a bit harsher than other newbies, but that was because they knew who he was. They were here because they needed to be, Bruce could return to his mansion and lavish lifestyle anytime he wanted – which is why everyone had been making bets on how long he would last.

But a week later, he was still there, and he was still alive. And Alfred had only called her twice to check in.

When she found a second to breath between Bruce, Oswald, her mayoral duties, and her kids, Alyssa was pouring over everything that even mentioned the word Arkham. Strange was good and covered his tracks, but if working for Fish had taught her anything it was that everyone had a weak spot. She just had to find out what it was.

"Alyssa?" a voice in her office doorway made her look up. "I-I was wondering if you might take me by my mother's grave. I wanted to see her..."

Alyssa couldn't help but look at Oswald with pity. Whatever Strange had done to him had left him a shell of the man he once was. He was doing it to all the inmates, which is why she had to put a stop to it. But there was no point in trying to save her friends if she didn't help the ones who'd already been victimized.

"Course, Ozzie. Get your coat and we can head out."


It was raining in the graveyard, but Oswald paid little mind to the umbrella Alyssa held over her head, choosing to step up to the headstone.

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