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A/N: Hey, I exist!

Part of Alyssa hoped that Gotham would have somehow miraculously changed by the time she returned. That all Strange's creations roaming the streets were gone, that Jerome was fine and well, and that she didn't have to put her life on the line on principal.

This, of course, did not happen. She did however return to find that at least one freak -- the scary lizard man with the glowing eyes -- had been locked up for good.

If this wasn't a surprise, the person responsible certainly was.

"Boyscout!" she called, drawing his attention from where he was leaning against his old desk. "Hey!" she laughed, pulling him into a hug which he quickly returned. "You're a sight for sore eyes."

"It's good to see you, Alyssa." he smiled at her, though it didn't quite reach his eyes.

"What are you doin' here? I thought you went to find Lee?"

"Yeah..." he looked down. "Didn't quite work out. So, I'm back here, going after Strange's monsters."

"You caught the lizard man?" Alyssa raised an eyebrow. "Wow. Boyscout's become a bad boy! I like it!"

"Pays good." he shrugged.

"So I take it you're not coming back to the GCPD?" she asked hesitantly. "Positions yours any time you want it."

"Thanks, but no thanks." he said. "I think I'll stick to my own game. I don't have to listen to Barnes anymore, I get to go home when I want, get drunk when I want, and at the end of the day, I sleep. Cuz saving Gotham's not my job anymore."

Alyssa stared at him, unsure of how to react. This was not the Jim Gordon she had last seen in the Arkham parking lot. Something had changed in him, and while the obvious answer was his failure to win back Lee Thompkins, she had a feeling it ran deeper than that.

"Jim Gordon, as long as I've known you, you've been the exact definition of a cop. A good one, which I dunno if you've noticed Gotham kinda lacks. Now you wanna pull outta that, that's up to you. But don't go denyin' what you are." she smirked slightly. "And you really think Harvey and I don't get drunk when we want?"


*One Month Later*

Jim continued to bring in the Arkham escapees, though to be fair Barnes and his men brought in their fair share as well. While it was by no means safe to roam the streets at night -- let's be honest had it ever been? -- you were much less likely to run into something....not human.

This did nothing to obscure the dreaded press brigade however, which she and Barnes were now addressing.

"At 8:15 this evening, and individual robbed a pharmacy and attacked its owner. Now while we don't have any IDs yet, we believe this individual, is another escapee from Indian Hill."

The crowd of reporters all began talking over each other, the photographers that were there taking pictures. Alyssa resented the noise, but it was quickly diminished as one reporter pushed herself to the front.

"Captain Barnes, Captain Barnes! Valerie Vale, Gotham Gazette."

"Oh, geez." Alyssa muttered under her breath. Vivian Vale had had a very public meltdown shortly after the escapees had hit the streets. She whined and screamed about the state of the city, its government, and the safety of her daughter, but ultimately ended up leaving.

Alyssa had been hoping that would be the last she saw of the Vales, but Valerie; Vivian's cousin, was quick to take her place.

"Why can't we see the escapee?"

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