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I wake up and as usual I wake up to Ethan's Goodmornimg text "Goodmornimg beautiful don't forget to eat btw"

My control freak. Mine?

I smile at the thought that he might be yours. I've been secretly texting with him since that night he texted me 2 months ago. Ever since then my life is harder to process. Everything is different now. I can't do anything without thinking about him. He texts me all the time and face times me whenever he cans. I can feel it driving me crazy when he meets all those fans, all of them all over him. We aren't anything official so you don't have the right to get jealous really.
I text him back "goodmorning handsome, I'm up and why so demanding"
I put my phone down and go to the kitchen to get some food.

That whole thing that love makes you not be hungry is true. Wait is this even love? I've only seen him once and we've been texting only for 2 months... but I have been a fan for 2 years so..

I shake it off and you continue serving yourself some cerial. I go back to your room just in time to answer Ethan ft call. I quickly answer.
"Hey there"
"hello goodmorning again" you say
"why don't you show me your face"
"I look like a potato"
"pls stop I want to see your face"
*you switch the camera*
"AHH!*ethan fake screams* you look like a sally salamander"
"I'm just kidding"
"best be"
"you look like a cute salamander"
you laugh in response
"that's my favorite sound"
"mine is your voice"
"are you being romantic"
"idk are you?"
"yes I am"
"hey well I'm going to get ready to leave to the airport I'll ft you when I'm at the hotel room in Arizona"
"yeah OK wait why not at the airport- wait nvm I remember, we are lowkey"
"don't say it in that tone, you know why"
"yeah ik, I wouldn't want the Fandom to attack me"
"they won't attack you"
"ha you're not in the gc's so you don't know what goes behind the scenes"
"I'm sorry I put you through all this"
"you can tell me sorry later, you're going to be late"
"fine, but eat and text me!"
"why are you so controlling" you say giggling
"oh baby you like it"
"OK bye ethan"
"bye, wait gray wants to say hi"
"HI REYNI OK BYE" gray hangs up immediately
These boys are such a trip I love it but
God he puts me through so much, I have to lie to my bestfriend who still thinks Ethan has a crush on me since we met him. And I have to pretend like I don't know anything of who his tweets are about. He does this on purpose. I even loose my appetite with him. God he's so sweet, why do I like him so much.

I get ready to go to dance class. As I get my dance bag and bend down I feel a little dizzy. I manage to get up without vomiting and lay in bed.

I have got to eat.

I grab a granola bar and head out the door.
"Hello, Reyni I'd like to talk to you"
"Yes Mrs. Diana"
My Dance Director just called me in her office.

What could she want?

"I've been seen you practice and I'm very delighted with your dancing, and you've improved so much. How would you like to compete your solo for next month's competition"
"The only thing is you do have to pay $200 for the competition and your costuming"
"$200¿?!¡ OMG that's a lot of money"
"if you can't afford it, we always have more dancers-"
"No I'll take it, Thank you Mrs. Diana"
You head out the door feeling a little dizzy so you take a sip of your water.
$200 +costuming ?! that like $300 how am I going to do this

I get on my car after practice, I have 2 missed calls from Ethan and a punch of texts too. I immediately call him.
"Where were you?"
"I had practice Eth"
"I was worried"
"why didn't you tell me?"
"well you are quite the busy person"
"I'm sorry you know me and gray are on tour"
"no yeah ik I understand"
"what's wrong, you uhh sound different"
"I umm- it's nothing"
"you hesitated tell me"
"I got the spot for the solo for competition"
"yeah it is"
"why aren't you excited"
"no yeah I am, it's just its $200 I don't have that type of money and plus costuming that's $300"
"don't worry"
"Ethan no, you won't"
"I can and I will"
"You do that and I'll stop-"
"Stop talking to me? Boy you know how to get back at me. OK then how can I help"
"Just it's fine"
"Look I'm sorry I put you through all this drama, I know there are fans who are hating on you bc i fav and rt your tweets i forget we are lowkey sometimes and bc your m&g has been the longest and I acted with you different, this is all my fault I got carried away that day, I didn't think it was going to cause all this drama. I'm sorry for making you lie to your friends and parents, this will come to an end one day. Reyni I like you and I want you to be my girlfriend, now I'm not asking you out right now but I'm just trying to tell you. Please hang on, I know it's hard I hate putting you through this, but I really like you and I want to be with you and I want to make your life better"
"Ethan I-"
"Just please let me pay this for you"
"I can't let you do that, you've don't for me enough. You payed my phone bill bc my parents wouldn't when I lost my job, You keep me happy when times are hard for me Thank you! I'm happy enough you choose me to be your girlfriend, if you pay for me I'll feel guilty for taking advantage over you"
"No nothing of that, it's not like that, you're not a gold digger, nothing close to that"
"Ethan please just don't do it for me, it will make me feel worse"
"Reyni please- "
he gets cut off by gray who is telling him Alex is going over
"you have to go Eth bye, we can talk about this later"
"No, if we are going to be official one day might as well tell all my friends now"
"Ethan why do you do this, you make me feel so flattered all the time, I know I don't tell you this as much as you do but I really am grateful you are almost mine"
"You're making me blush stop stop"
"gosh why can't I be serious with you, you even make me laugh through the phone"
"promise me one thing"
"What eth"
"I can go see you at your competition" "of course you can, I just don't know if it's a good idea, what if a fan sees you and it causes causes a big seen, you'll ruin the whole competition"
"Don't worry I won't"

* Little advice or tip, I just realized I suck at writing stories and I was still trying to figure out if I wanted this narrated or told by the characters. I ended up on making it told by the characters, so I had to change some stuff. Sorry if it's a bit confusing. Just keep on reading it gets better I PROMISE*

Control Freak | EthanWhere stories live. Discover now