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I'm standing there in the dance room, I look around and see if Ab was around so I could stay away from him.

It's Friday now and it's the afternoon flexibility class. Things have gotten better since Tuesday. Ab hadn't tried to hit on me since that day and well the girls are a little more chill.

" Okay class I will be dividing you into 2 groups. I will give you a number and you'll be partners with the person with the same number"

"11, 12 *she pats me on the shoulder* 13.."

Okay I'm 12.

I turn around and see Ab getting into class late. He slips into a the line in the back and he's in between two people.


"Okay 12's you'll be here."

I look over and it's a guy.

Shit, Ab.

"We will start with wall stretches. Partner one against the wall and knee to chest on one leg. Partner two extend and push"

"Won't be the only time I'll have you against the wall" He whispers to me

I fucking despise you

I roll my eyes at him. He pushes my toes against the wall.

"Super Flexible. I'm sure we could use that later on"

He presses his erection into me and my legs feel a little tingle.


"Okay switch" the instructor says

He holds his knee against his chest. I hold his ankle and start pushing it towards the wall.


"Aww did I hurt you" I say

"Watch it"

I push harder.

"Doesn't feel good right? That's how your dick feels on me"

I release him and he looks at me with disbelief.

Did I just say that? Omg.

My inner goddess is smiling.


"How was today"

I stay silent as I put on my seat belt.

"Okay by the way you walked inside the car, you must be sore af"

"This fuc-"

I stop myself before I say something and he gets mad and crashes

"I'll tell you at my apartment"

"Tell me now"

"No! wait"



I close the door to her apartment.

"What happened, that you couldn't tell me in the car"

Is she pregnant ? It can't be I always put on a condom.

"I didn't want you to crash or something"

"What is it"

My stomach is in knots.

"Long story short, Ab and I were partnered up in stretching class and he used the opportunity to grind on me"

This motherfu-

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