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2 months later

I open the front door from school and everyone immediately turns around.

this is going to be a long day

"Hey Reyni"

"Hi Reyni"


Random people start saying hi to me like if we've been friends for a while.

I guess dating a famous guy makes you well known.

I spot Alex and he's standing with Ceci near their locker.

"Hey guys"

"Hi" Ceci tells me

"Everyone is looking at you" alex says

We look around and everyone is watching me.

"There's nothing to see turn around!"

"How have you been holding up?"

"I'm good"
I put my hair behind my ear and open my locker

Ethan and I haven't spoken since that Saturday night. It's been almost 2 months and I still can't believe he would just leave me like that without fighting for  me. He hasn't called or texted or even tweeted anything about me, only pictures of him traveling for his tour. I guess it was for the best.

"Hello Reyni to earth"  Alex interrupts

"Oh sorry I was thinking"

"Thinking... Why don't you ever tell us anything like before"

"I am thinking about my classes chill alex!" I say with a laugh

"hmm okay well let's go to out first period"  ceci says

"Ugh back to the normal routine, well at least we are seniors now"  I say as I fix my skirt

"How exciting senior year! Homecoming is already this Friday so odd. We should go though"

"Ceci and where would I get a date"

"You can always go with me"

I turn around and FUCK it's Presy. I roll my eyes at him and walk away but he holds my hand and pulls me to him placing his hand on my waist and holding me super tight. I try to push him off but he is way stronger than I remember.

"What you don't have your famous boyfriend to save you anymore"

"Just leave me alone, you forcing me to be with you isn't going to make a difference because at the end of the day we all know it's him I am going to be with"

Even I know it's true, Ethan is over me. He moved on and dropped me. Like I'm nothing.

"Don't resist because you know I'll keep on wanting you"


About time Ceci said something. He let's me go and whispers in my ear

"I am serious, I still love you"

My eyes widen and my heart drops. Not because he means something to me but because it stings me it's not Ethan the one that is telling me this.

I ignore his words and walk away.


"Well today was interesting" Ceci says as we get on my car.

"It was, I never realized dating Ethan was going to change my whole life"

"I know everyone literally almost fangirled about you"

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