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Reyni is walking behind me and i can feel my heart is beating out of my chest.

Please, God. Don't take my brother away from me.

"Can you help me find my twin brother his name is uh- Eth- Ethan Dolan"

"Are you family?"

"YES I'M HIS TWIN" I lean against the bar.

For god sakes just tell me where my brother is. I can feel my eyes getting watery so I blink faster.

"Grayson calm down. Can you tell us where he is?"

She holds my arm and talks to the nurse.

"Yes, umm. He's currently in surgery. He had a broken rib and he had to be taken immediately to surgery"

"SURGERY?" I scream


"According to our records. He was hit by a car. The driver is sitting over there"

She points to a guy sitting with his phone on his hand. He's shaking and has teary eyes.

I close my hand into a fist.

Son of a bitch.

"The doctor will update you when he's out of surgery, if you please take a seat."

I walk quickly towards the guy.

"You son of a bitch, you almost killed my brother"

Reyni grabs me but I'm much more stronger than her. The guy stands up and moves his body as I swing. I can feel tears falling off my face.

"I'm so sorry. He came out of no where"

"Grayson please calm down, it wasn't his fault"

I wrap myself around her and we stay there hugging.

What if I loose him? What would I do without him.

"Grayson everything is going to be okay"


"Grayson everything is going to be okay"

I'm trying to keep him strong because he's completely lost it.

This is all my fault. If only I wouldve told him that I loved him.

We sit down 3 seats away from the driver.

"Hi I'm Dan. I am really sorry I didn't mean to hit him with-"

Grayson looks over at him but then turns to the floor. He looks furious. I give the guy a fake smirk and turn around.

We sit there in silence. Both feeling empty and desperate for news.

God this is all my fault. Please help him get out of this.

Tears fall of my face.


I look at my phone and its 3:46 am. It's been about 2 hours of waiting and Gray and I, we're still sitting in the same spot in the same position. I look up and I see a doctor heading our way. I grab Grayson's arm. We both stand up.

"Are you the relatives of Ethan Dolan"

"Yes I'm his brother" Grayson says desperately

"I'm his girlfriend"

"Listen he had a broken rib and we had to take him to surgery."

"Yes we know" I say

Get to the point.

Control Freak | EthanDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora