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"Ethan wait I can explain" I feel everything spinning and I grab on to the chair.

"EXPLAIN WHAT?!! We get in a fight and you choose to go and kiss someone else, I thought you were different"

"I wasn't kissing him. He forcefully kissed me. Can you just stop being so hard headed. What have I ever done to make you think that I was kissing him."

"Just stay away from me for now"

I walk towards him to hold him but my legs get weak, because I can't believe what he just told me, I feel so hurt. I sit on the chair.

Why is he like this? What did I ever do to deserve someone like this. He keeps on hurting me over and over again. I'm tired of this.

Tears fall of my face but I wipe them off before anyone can see me. I get up and walk inside.

I need to leave. Where's Grayson?

I walk inside and I see Grayson hanging out with a brunette girl.

"Gray, sorry to interrupt but can you please take me home"

He whispers something to the girl and she gives me a smile. I fake smile back at her.

"I'm guessing you guys didn't fix it"

"I don't want to talk about it"

"Well I have to find Ethan, I can't leave him here"

"Okay I'll be sitting here. I'll wait for you"

Grayson gives me a hug.

"I'm sorry about this. He's better than this, it's just he losses it sometimes when he's not in control. "

I give him a nod and bit my lip to avoid tears falling off my eyes. He leaves me sitting there. I wipe my tear and I see a guy in black, kinda looks like Ethan outfit. He turns around and a brunette girl with skinny legs throws herself at him. Smushing her lips against the guy. He pulls away and takes off his mask.

It's Ethan.

My heart drops all the way to my stomach and my legs feel weak. I feel tears rushing down my face.

He kisses her again.

I walk up to them.

"Is this your way of getting back at me for getting forcefully kissed by Ab."

His face freezes as if he has just seen and dead person. She turns around and takes of her mask. It's Cinthia.

Fucking whore.

I swing my hand and smake her.

"You Fucking whore. You're such a despicable bitch"

Ethan holds my arm as I try to swing at her again but I yank it of his hand.

"Don't you ever talk to me again"

"REY- Please no"




I start running and I leave the house crying. I take off my heels because they were slowing me. I hear Ethan chasing after me and I decide to hide behind some bushes of a neighbors house. I grab my knees and place it against my chest. I lay my head agaisnt andnd let out a cry. My heart hurts way too much. I hate this. I hate him. I hate me. I hate this place.

A guy opens the door of the house I was hiding behind the bushes.


How does he know my name?

"Umm I'm William, I dance with you at the ALDC studio"

I clean the tears of my face and get up.

"Woah are you okay?"

"I'm sorry I have to go"

"There's no way you're going to be walking the streets like that, come I can give you some sweats of mine"

"No thank you, I'm fine"

I take a step but my body is too weak so I fall. He helps me get up and carries me inside.

"I'm sorry" I mumble


He opens the door and he lays me on his couch. I wrap myself around him and let it all out. I can't hold this anymore. Everything hurts. My heart. My head. My body.

After a few minutes I pull away.

"I'm sorry for this I need to go"

"Let me give you a pair of new clothes and drive you home"

"No, I can't"


I look around.

"Don't worry my parents are on a trip"

"Please I'd like to go home"

"at least just let me give you a sweater"

He takes of his jacket and places around me. I look at his eyes. He has blue gray eyes with dark eyebrows and small but plump lips.

He leans in.

"Ahh no, I'm sorry I cant"

"No I'm sorry, you're with Ethan"

"idk about that"

"Did you guys fight?"

"Umm, I'd rather not talk about it"

"Whatever it is, I'm sure you guys aren't going to break up. He seems to really like you of what I see on twitter and his YouTube channel"


"should we get going"


He helps me get up and he grabs his keys.


"Let me walk you to the door"

He gets off the car and opens my door.

We walk towards the elevator.

Where Ethan and I almost had sex.

"Umm my room is over here, you don't have to walk me all the way over there thank you anyways, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Okay Goodluck and yeah until then goodnight"

I turn around and I see Ethan leaning on my door.

Oh god, this is not going to end to well.

A part of me gets excited to see him because I've missed his touch another wants to stab the crap out of him.

*Sorry this one is shorter, I've just been so busy with dance practice and stuff plus a good cliff hanger is what keeps things interesting ;)*

Okay back to the story, I honestly cried while typing this tbh. Hope you guys cry too. Vote and comment please*

Have a lovely day♡

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