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Ethan's POV

I open my eyes and they immediately shut after getting a glipse of light. I grab my forehead and let my eyes adjust to the light.


"Good morning bro"

"What time is it?"

"Well according to my laptop it's 7:52 am in Texas but it's 1 :52 here in Portugal"


I grab my phone and check my snapchat. I see she posted a snap.

"Isn't today the first day of school at Texas"


I quickly open her snap. She posted one at 10:38 pm where she was at the studio, and at 7:33 she posted a picture captioned "omw to hell" She seems to be wearing a crop top with a skirt.

If a fucker dares to touch her, I swea- Hold up Ethan, she isn't yours anymore. You aren't good for her.

I lock my phone and get up to make some breakfast.

"Hey we have to be there at 5 but we can go explore for the meanwhile"

"Sounds cool, I'm actually pretty excited to start international tour, finally out of the US"

"Me too this is insane I can't believe just a couple of months ago we were just talking about going on tour and now we are actually on International tour"

I stay silent.

"What's wrong"

"Nothing I'm just feeling a little weird"

"Well duh God knows what you were doing last night down in the lobby, you took forever to come up so I just went to sleep"


"Why that pale face"

I fucked with that Brazilian girl

"Oh nothing just don't feel good"

"What happened. I know when you lie"

I let out a giggle

"Let's say I hit it yesterday"


"yuppp" I say with a little of pride but a part of me remains empty

"You needa chill with the ladies man, make sure you use protection"

"Yeah I know"

"I hope you aren't doing this to-"

"I know where you are going and come on, she's doesn't take any effect on the decisions I make. She means nothing"

Even those words hurt me because deep down I know I still care

"you just keep on lying to yourself you aren't fooling me"

He leaves me alone in my room. I get out of bed and head to the restroom. 


"I am so glad we are halfway through the week"  I say to ceci as she gets in my car.

"How can you be so chill, you haven't even gotten your homecoming dress and it's this Saturday"

"It's okay we can go today"

"Okay but right after school because then it's going to get full of girls like you who wait until the last minute"

"Okay okay"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2018 ⏰

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