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I get in the car and close the door.

"Goodmorning baby"


"Why so grouchy?" Ethan smirks

"I couldn't sleep all night because my phone kept on going off. Your fans and my Internet friends keep on sending me Dm's"

"You could put your phone on Do not disturb"

"And then miss my alarm? No thank you"

"I'm sorry Im trying to help you"

I sigh and close my eyes for 3 seconds.

"Okay, I'm calm. I have ballet class today and I need to patient" I exhale

"I'll pick you up again today"

"Okay, but I already brought lunch"

"Did you bring an apple and the granola bars I bought you"

"Yeah. I thought I'd get to spend time to talk to you instead of rushing to a restaurant"

"This is why you're my girl" He takes my hand and kisses it.

I let out a huge smile and look down at my other hand.

"You really make me want to stab you so many times but then we have these moments"

He looks over and winks at me.

You fucking tease

"We are here"

"Pray for me" I say as I open the door but then Ethan holds my arm making me shut it again.

"If he tries to do something you tell me"

His eyes darken and gives me chills.

"I will"

I kiss him and open the door again.

Oh god please tell me I won't have him today or that he got kicked out or something.

I walk in and I see Morning Ballet Girls and another sign with Morning Ballet Boys

Thank you God

I walk in to the room and place my bag next to a girl who is also placing her bag. We both look up at the same time and give each other a smile.

She has blonde hair with blue eyes. Her eyebrows are symmetrical, dark and medium thick. She has thin lips with a cute little nose.

"Hi" I say

"Hello, have I seen you before?"

"Umm, No, I don't think so. I'm with the other group but I guess they combined all girls together today"

"Yeah I guess so. What's your name?

"I'm Reyni, you?

"I'm Olivia. I'm from Florida but recently moved to LA"

"Oh how nice. I'm from Texas"

"Okay class get a place at the bar"

We both get a spot next to each other and smile.


"Damm that was intense" She says as she gets her bag

"Yeah it is" I sound exhausted

"Going somewhere? "

"Yeah my boyfriend is probably outside waiting for me"

"Ohh how cute, well I'll see you later"

Control Freak | EthanWhere stories live. Discover now