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"Good evening. I'm speaking from Sip Coffee Nation. What can I serve you today?"

"So, where did we leave last night?"

"You really have to call again, huh?"

"Sure did. So back to the point!"


"Did you hang up on me? But I don't hear the beep sound so speak up Miss. Hyena."

"Avada Kedavra!"


"Did it work?"

"Rude much?"

"Ugh. I hoped it would work. It'd have been so much fun - We have brownies too and they are really good, I can assure you. Would you like to order them too?"

"Um, what?"

"It's my personal recommendation, sir."

"Do you have some kind of switch? Turn it on and whoa, you are the poster girl for candies with a sugary sweet voice."

"Yeah, I do. My boss controls that switch. He's on one of his inspections today."

"I like your boss. Thank him from my side."

"Are you gonna order something or you just called to annoy me? Because if you did, then let me tell you it's working very well."

"That's good to hear. And no, I won't order anything. For all I know, your coffee will taste like shit."

"You did not just insult Sip Coffee Nation's coffee! We serve the best coffee in town!"

"I think I just did. I don't believe you."

"Wanna bet? I'll send you my personal favorite and I bet you'll call the next day to place the same order again."

"I won't but okay. What if I win?"

"Don't worry, that won't happen. Now, get ready to taste the most amazing coffee. What's your address?"

I Dialed The Last Digit Wrong | ✔Where stories live. Discover now