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"So, you finally decide to make some time for me!"

"Hehe! Uh, sorry? I've been busy and I just needed to think things through?"

"No! I'm mad at you! A sorry won't work."

"Oh. What if I allow you to share the same favorite?"


"I'm making my best puppy dog face right now!"

"Agrh! Fine!"

"Yay! So, you're Kevin McCloy, huh?"

"So you know me and I don't! But yeah, I am."

"I have got to get something off my head."

"I'm listening."



"I swear, sometimes I just want to puncture their steroid muscles and snatch out their fake extensions!"

"Ouch! That must be painful! Don't think like a sadist."

"SADISTS! Yes, that's the word! They are bloody SADISTS! It feels amazing to finally say it out loud!"

"Um, they aren't that bad?"


"Why are you laughing?"

"Because that's so funny! THEY AREN'T THAT BAD? They are so much worse than that! And you don't get to defend them when you've never been on the receiving end of their tormenting!"


"You know I'd have hated you if you ever came and talked to me but.."


"But after talking to you for so long, I've realized that you aren't as bad as them."

"THANK GOD!! I would have hated it if you started hating me!"

"Good thing, I didn't because then you'd have received my chilli smoothie instead of coffee, EVERY SINGLE DAY! As a token of my hatred, you know!

"I can't thank God enough! He saved me from that torture!"

"Now, you're overreacting."

"At least, it made you laugh! Wink wink!"

"Did you seriously just say 'Wink Wink???"

"Hell yeah! I have to say that since you can't see me winking!"

"But, seriously?"

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