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Dedicated to @book_a_vampire for always posting encouraging comments. Her comments make me feel like I can actually write, hehe. :D
Thank you so much for being there!! :)

Also, just a forewarning. I've almost completed writing this book so the updates are going to be more frequent. :)

"Good evening! I'm speaking from Sip Coffee Nation! What can I serve you today?"

"I see that you actually took my suggestion and switched back to your previous greeting."

"Me? Taking your suggestion? No way! I just changed my mind."

"Really? That's great news!"

"Uh, thanks? I guess?"

"So, does this new mind of yours work any better than the previous one or is it just the same?"


"Hey! You're the one who said that you changed your mind!"

"Ha ha, very funny."

"Of course, it is! After all, I made that joke!"

"You're just getting ahead of yourselves."

"You know, I think you wasted your money."

"On what?"

"Your new mind, duh. I don't think it works any different from your previous one. You should go and exchange it."

"Are you done?"

"I think so."



"JESUS CHRIST! What the hell happened?"


"Then why on Earth did you scream like that?"

"You yelled right into my ear so I thought I'd just return the favor."

"Just let me get my hands on you just once and then I'll show you!"

"Why does that sentence sound dirty, for some reason?"

"Eww!! Perv!"

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