BONUS - Let's Splash

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"Man, that was a tough game today. I should call Ashton."


"What was that?...I really need some sleep."


"Huh? What the he-" *splash*

"STOPP-" *splash*

"GOAL!! Well done, A!"

"Sorry Kevin, the balloon slipped through my hands before I saw you."

"No worries. I always wanted to be hit with a water balloon in the face."

"I can see you rolling your eyes from down here, loverboy. Tone down that sarcasm or I'll hit you with another balloon."

"Ash, what are you doing in my backyard with a bucket of water balloons at this time of the night?"

"Um, actually , you see.. I kinda lost a bet to Char and she gave me a dare."

"What dare?"

"She dared me to call you at your window by hitting water balloons and then sing a song for you at midnight."

"Only she would say something like that."

"What did you say, loverboy?"

"Nothing! I was talking to myself! So, what song are you gonna sing me?"

"Don't mind my horrible singing. Here goes..

Late night watching television
But how we get in this position?
It's way too soon, I know this isn't love
But I need to tell you something
I really really really really really really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me, too?"

"Is it wrong that I want to jump out of this window and hug you right now?"

"Not really but I don't want you to break a bone, literally."



"Okay, stop giving googly eyes to each other, both of you! It's making me sick!"



"These two are a lost case."

book_a_vampire it's Char and Dylan coming your way in the next chapter. ;)

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