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Only italics - A
Only bold - Kevin
Bold and italics - Dylan

"Good evening!-"


"Give my phone back, you asshole!"


"That evil Mr. Finley gave me a fucking detention! Not only that but he took my phone too! That old bag! Dude, get off of my back!"

"I can't even say that I'm surprised. If you don't have your phone, how are you calling here right now?"

"Give my phone back and I might!"

"Can't you see that I'm busy right now?"

"I was at a very critical point in my game when you attacked my phone, asshole! If my player dies then I won't spare you!"

"You'll survive."

"Uh, Kevin?"

"Sorry, A! It's just Dylan bugging me. I kinda snatched his phone and right now he looks more than ready to have my head!"


"I better give his phone back now. Oh! And make the order double today! I'd use it as a peace offering to him! Pray for my life!"

"Order coming right away! Bye!"

*beep beep*

"Here, have your phone! Happy now?"


"So, what's the verdict?"


"*gulp* Well, shit!"

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