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Only bold - Kevin

Only underlined - Char


"A! Oh, my God! You won't believe what happened today! Okay, maybe you will. Mr. Finley gave me my phone back, no questions asked! Instead he shook his head and said 'I don't blame you'. I don't know what magic you did this time but thank you so much for that! I love you – SHIT! I didn't mean to say that A! That doesn't mean that I hate you. I mean I love you but as a friend, you know-"

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"


"A's got a lover. She definitely needs to know that! A-"

"You won't dare!"

"Watch me! A-"

"Wait! Please, don't. It's just that my tongue slipped, nothing else! I'd do anything but please don't tell her this!"

"Anything, huh?"

"I'll regret this but yes."

"I don't have anything on my mind right now but I'll use it as a leverage."

"I don't know whether to be thankful or sad that you picked up the call. Can I talk to A now?"

"Nope! She's not at work today."

"Why? Is she sick or something?"

"She's totally fine but Justin's in town today so she took the day off to spend it with him."


"Yeah. He's from her home town. He came to the café to surprise her and then she took the day off. Why do you ask? Is that jealousy I'm sensing?"

"Huh? Of course not! Why would I be jealous? Of course, I'm not jealous!"

"Well since you're her lover boy, so I thought.. But anyways, do you want to place any order?"

"Not today."

"Okay. And Kevin? Just so you know, Justin's her brother!"

*beep beep*

"WHAT? I swear I'll kill you someday!"



So, i was wondering if any of you speaks or understands Hindi/Urdu/Punjabi? If you do then do tell me. I have a really funny desi project on my mind and i think that you guys would like it. :)

And I realized that I don't even know where you guys are from. I'm from India, where are you from? :)

And at last, it's my birthday today, so....






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