BONUS - Don't Touch Me

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"Hey, Kevin! I missed –"

"Don't you dare touch me!"

"Huh? Wha-"

"Keep your hands away from me, girl!"

"Is this how you treat your girlfriend when you meet her after three days?"

"If I don't want to be shot by your father's pistol, then yes!"

"Stop overreacting! My dad is extra strict because he served in the army. He's a softy at heart!"

"And you didn't find it necessary to tell me that he served in the army?! What kind of a girlfriend are you?! And don't come near me!"

"I didn't think my dad would threaten you! And now, stop this Tom and Jerry game! My dad went back home yesterday!"

"Nope. I'm keeping up this Tom and Jerry chase. Your dad might have hired spies to keep an eye on me, for all I know. I'm not taking the chances."

"What are you looking for, under the couch?"

"The spy!"

"Why would a spy hide beneath the couch?"

"Because he's a spy!"

"Okay, that's enough! Kevin, I know my dad and believe me when I say that he won't shoot you, okay?"

"...Okay. I'm so relieved to hear that. I missed you, Ash-"

"Though he might try a few extreme torture techniques on you that he learnt in the army..."


"Just kidding..maybe.."

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