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"Hey there, A!"


"Did you run a marathon or something?"


"Then why are you breathing so heavily?"

"Blowing *gasp* balloons!"

"Balloons? For what?"

"Wait a min!"




"It's my nine years old cousin's birthday."


"Sorry, sorry! It's my 10 years old cousin's birthday!"

"Oh. Wait, is she the one who answered the phone when I first called?"

"That very one."

"Give the phone to her, I want to wish her!"

"Wait a sec. Jenny! Come over here!"

"Yes, A?"

"There's a call for you! Remember the guy who called at the Café and you answered his call?"

"Your Grandson?"

"Yes, him. And he's not-"

"Hello, A's grandson!"

"Hello Jenny! A very, very birthday!!!"

"Thank you!"

"So, how're you feeling big girl? You finally turned 10!"

"Yes! I'm TEN years old now! That's why we are having an amazing party at our home today and I'm going to be Cinderella!"

"Wow! That's amazing! By the way, can you help me out with something? I'm really stuck! I'll send you a lot of chocolates too!"

"Really? What do you want my help with?"

"I don't know A's real name and what's sad is that she won't tell me either! I'm so stuck! Can you help me?"

"Of course! That's so easy! Her name is – oomph!"

"Her name is oomph? That's a weird name."

"JENNY! You're not supposed to tell him my name! you're on my side!"


"And you sneaky bas - BOY! I meant boy! You sneaky boy!"

"Sure, you did."

"You're bribing my cousin for my name! That's not fair at all!"

"Never said I was!"


"Oh, God! Sorry, Jenny!"

"For God's sake! Please refrain from choking me the next time you talk to your Grandson! Teenagers these days!"

I Dialed The Last Digit Wrong | ✔Where stories live. Discover now