BONUS - Evil Scarf

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"I'm going to rip your scarf into shreds."

"Wh-What? Why?"

"Because it hides your face! I can't even kiss you whenever I want because this scarf blocks your face. Your scarf is evil."


"I know that you're blushing right now, yet I can't see it because of this cruel scarf."

"I'm not blushing."

"Remove the scarf and prove it."

"No! You know I can't do that here."

"Of course, you can! We are only at the café."

"Exactly! We're outside and there are so many people here. I don't want them to stare at me."

"Ash, people are still staring at you because you're wearing a scarf inside a café. People have eyes, they'll stare. Don't let it bother you."


"You can't keep hiding behind that scarf for your whole life worrying that people would stare. Your face is just a part of you, it doesn't define who you are. People will accept who you are when you start accepting yourself."

"You're right. Fine."

"That's my Ash. Now, now, I thought that lying was a bad habit. Tsk, tsk. Your cheeks resemble a red tomato, right now."

"It's because of the heat."

"The AC is on full blast, Ash. Just admit that I turn you into a ball of mush."

"In your dreams."

"Believe me, you don't want to know what happens in my dreams. Though, if you'd like, I can share a few.."

"I"LL SURVIVE! Now, shut your mouth before I do it for you."

"You know, once I dreamed about – mmph!"

"Who's all flustered now?"

"You just took me by surprise. I didn't think you'd be one for PDA."

"I didn't take you for someone who'd blush."

"Huh? You need to get your eyes checked."

"Whatever floats your boat."

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