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"Do you see her?"

"I'm trying. Have patience."


"Why? Whoa! Dude, would you keep the ladder stable? I don't want to have a heartfelt conversation with Ashton while sporting a broken limb or something!"

"Can't. I need to pee!"


"I need to P-E-E!"

"Dude – Oh, I see her! ASHTON! ASHTON ROSE! She saw me and now she's coming here. She doesn't look really happy to see me."

"Did you seriously expect her to be even remotely happy to see you?"

"Not really."

"What the hell are you doing here?!"

"No hellos, I see. Well, I came here to fly a kite. It's such a beautiful weather today."

"Go fly it somewhere else!"

"Hey, hey wait!"


"Can we please talk?"

"Oh, so you can humiliate me more? No thanks, I think I'll survive."

"Please, Ashton! I never wanted to humiliate you, believe me!"

"Believe you?"

"I just want to clear everything. Please, talk to me just once!"


"Even if I told you I stole this ladder from your neighbor's just so I can talk to you?"

"That was my idea! Give me some credit at least, you asshole! Don't forget that the future of your limbs is in my hand!"

"What the hell? And it's still a no."

"Even if I told you that I talked to Char – who was more than ready to murder me – just to get your address?"

"You wouldn't."

"I definitely did."



"Fine. I'll be there in 10 minutes. Now, get down from the ladder before you fall and damage your handsome face. We won't want that because that's the only thing you've got, right?"

"I don't know whether to be happy because she called me handsome or feel offended because she insulted me. But at least I got a glimpse of the old A."

"I need to pee. Get down, you dipshit!"

I know it's late but i need suggestions for a ship name for Kevin and Ashton.

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