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"Good evening! I'm-"


"I've a beating heart and functioning lungs. So as far as I know, I'm very much alive. Thank you."

"Not for long!"

"Ooh, I'm scared! Can you feel it? I'm shivering from fear!"

"You must! I can't believe you actually called my Gran!"

"She is such a sweet and humble lady, unlike some people I know. *cough*Grandson*cough*"

"You can't expect me to be humble when I have to eat 8 cabbage rolls! Why? Because you freaking told her that I love eating cabbage rolls made by her. How did you even know about my dislikes?"

"Let's just say, your Gran loves to talk about you. When I told her that I was your friend and asked her to tell me about you she complained that you never eat her handmade cabbage rolls. So I told her that you do that only to annoy her while you secretly love them."


"Because I'm awesome like that! And when she told me that you were visiting her today, it was the cherry on the top."


"hehehe. So how were the cabbage rolls, huh?"

"I'm going to kill you with a chainsaw and then dump you in my backyard!"

"Newsflash! You can't because you can't kill me through the phone. Ha!"

"Who said anything about killing you through the phone? I'm on my way to the Café right now."

"You're bluffing! You don't even know where the Café is."

"I don't but I do know its name and I have this amazing thing called GPS in my phone. It says that I'm only ten minutes away."

"But you've never seen me so you won't know who am I!"

"But I've heard your voice."

"Then I won't speak at all!"

"That would only make my job easier. I'll instantly know that it's you."

"Well, shit!"

"I'm going to get my revenge! HAHAHA!"

"JUNE! I'm leaving early, today! THERE IS AN ASSASSIN AFTER MY LIFE!"

"What are you saying?"

"This is Gold!"

"Hunt down this customer if I don't show up tomorrow!"

"She can't be serious."

"Take that, loser! Have a nice time finding me!"

*beep beep*

"I can't wait for tomorrow. Finally I've the upper hand. Gotcha Miss. Hyena! Hehehe.. Shit! I'm starting to act like her. Get a grip, Kevin!"

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