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River POV

Lowell and where waiting for my dad to arrive. we where cuddled up on our bed. and to be honest I was kind of nervous. I mean what could my dad possibly want.

oh Lowell's mother was excited when she found out my dad was coming. so she was cooking away.

" so what do you think you dad wants?" Lowell asked as he rubbed my lower back.

I just sighed. " I really don't know. but I know I am scared to find out." I tell him.

" well maybe I can help district you." he smiled.

I just raise my eye brow. And then he leaned in to kiss me. I kiss him back right away. wanting to be closer I push him over so I am straddling him. he placed his hands on my waist.

then he tried to deepened the kiss. so he sat up more and pushed pushed his tounge into my mouth.

we where full on making out when there was a knock on the door. neither of us seemed to care. to busy caught up in the moment.

but then the door opened. And Lowell eyes wide. then all of a sudden he pushed me off him. I turned my head to see my dad.

oh crap.

" hi dad." I stood up and hugged him.

" hello." he Says then kissed the top of my head.

" hello sir" Lowell said nervously. I mean I would be to if I was him.

my dad just nodded. I glared at him. he huffed.

" hello. oh and hands and lips to your slef while I am here" my dad tells Lowell.

" dad" I warned.

" what. I don't want to be a grand dad this young. " he tells me.

" okay anyway why did you come here" I asked.

" how about we move to the office." Lowell suggested.

my dad nodded and we headed to the office.

' he hates me Dosent he' Lowell mind linked.

' well at the moment maybe cause I mean he did walk in. And it looked pretty bad. but I think he's use to the idea. I hope' I relied.

' you hope. oh god.' he sighed.

I just grabbed his hand. and walked into the office. Lowell closed the door. And then we sat down.

" so I have a confession." my dad says.

" alright." was all I said.

" your mother didn't die giving birth. she was attacked while I was out on business. and the only reason you lived is because your mother hid you." my dad said. he looked like he was trying not to cry.

" dad why are you just telling me this now." I asked.

" I was trying to protect you." he sighed.

" from what" I asked.

then Lowell spoke up. " the incident with Sammy it all makes so much sense now."

" who's Sammy?" my dad asked.

" he's a boy. his mom was a white wolf." Lowell said.

" what dose that have to do with anything." I asked.

" River. your mom was a white wolf. and well they seem to have great power. and well. now I need to warn you." he sighed.

" dad" I said.

he just didn't let me speak.

" white wolfs are very rare. And well have great power like I said. that's why I never let you out by your self. And I told you not to tell anyone but your mate and family. because when people know. it gets around. And well there is a man out there. he's out for blood. and only white wolf blood. he wants it to try and creat more." my dad starts.

" dad I don't understand. why are you just telling me this now." I asked.

" because, your in danger. that man that killed your mother found out your alive. he's out to find you. he wants to see if your a white wolf." my dad said and now he had tears in his eyes.

" well I won't let that happen." Lowell's voice boomed. he was getting worked up.

I moved closer and grabbed his hands. I don't need his wolf coming out.

" I know you will protect her. but I need to take her away for a while." my dad said.

" no way. I am not letting her leave." Lowell demand.

" son listen. I need to take her to a witch. I had a witch block her abilities. And right now if she wants to fin this fight she needs them." my dad said.

" abilities what I dad what are you taking about." I asked.

" River you were born with amazing power. but to protect you I had to block it. I couldn't have doing it. I did it it to protect you." my dad explained.

" so why can't the witch come here" Lowell asked.

" because she isn't from here. and it's to dangerous." my dad explained.

" fine but only if I am allowed to go." Lowell said.

" of course. I wouldn't have it any other way" my dad said.

" so when do we leave?" I asked.

" tomorrow." he said.

I looked at him in shock.

" that fast" I asked.

" yes I had to. it need to be done quickly so you can train." my dad tells me.

" how long will we be gone?" Lowell asked.

" no longer then a week" my dad tells us.

"fine now I have to notify Ross. And get things ready." Lowell said and stood up.

" I can't believe you hid this from me" I tell my dad.

" I did what I had to do to protect you" he sighed and grabbed my hand.

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