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Manik in Nandini's ears - Nandini say something they will put me in jail.

Nandini pouting - Really.

Manik - Yes

Nandini blinked her eyes - Wait I will do something.

She tilted her neck to her right still with a pout on her lips and saw Abhimanyu and mukti talking and sipping their drinks ,then she tilted her neck to her left and saw two men, one was continuously glaring Manik and other one was busy searching for the security, then she again tilted her to face Manik . Manik was totally confused looking at her until he felt something soft on his lips. He could not see her whole frame anymore, the only thing he could see was her eyes . Her hands were gripping his neck , she was matching his height . He was shocked as hell when he sensed something moving over his lips , It was Nandini's lips. The men who was busy searching for the security looked towards them in frustration.

Men -Stupid people.(They went from there)

As soon as the two mens left from there Nandini also stepped down leaving shocked Manik in confusion.

Manik - What was that?

Nandini - You only said to do something.

Manik - So you kissed me.

Nandini smiling - Hmm.(Nandini looked at the stage)

Nandini shouted - Manik.

Manik irritated - What.

Nandini - I want to dance.

Manik - Nandini, You already danced.

Nandini - But I want to dance more.

Manik - Nandini NO.

Nandini - Manik YES.

Manik - Nandini NO.

Nandini - Manik YES.

Manik - Nandini NO.

Nandini - Manik NO.

Manik - Nandini YES.(She ran away)

Manik shouted - Nandini NOOO.

But the next thing she did made his entire face go WTF . She ran to DJ begging him to play another song and fortunately he also agreed to do so. Manik rushed there next to her and forcefully tried dragging her while holding her arm but couldn't as she forcefully made him leave her hand and jumped down walking to the stage when DJ played song she insisted.


Cabir smiling - This is what we call a real party. Too good. Nandini you are amazing.

Nandini laughing - Amazing party ...THANK YOU. Cabir is also good.

Nandini was totally drunk . She was not at all in her senses . While talking with cabir ,she fall over manik's shoulder.

Abhi worried - Nandini why did you drink so much... Now what am I gonna say to Dad.

Nandini smiling - NOOO..... I am not drunk.

Abhi - Hmm I can see that. Now what to do I can't take her home with me . If dad see her in this condition I don't know what will he do.

Mukti - Don't worry Abhi. I will take her with me. (Abhi side hugged Mukti)

Abhi - You are a sweat heart. (She smiled)

Abhi patted Nandini's head.

Abhi - Take care.

Nandini smiled - OK.(He left )

Soha - I think ...We should also leave.

Soha - BYY MANIK.(She hugged Manik and Nandini frowned )

Manik - By soha.

Nandini Irritated - BYY BYY SOHAAA..

Soha -By Nandini.(She hugged her)

Araman came near nandini and hugged her to which manik gritted his teeths .

Aryaman - Take care . (They both also left)

Alia - Mukti you are coming with me and that's final.

Mukti - But Alia I have to take Nandini home.

Alia - Don't worry manik will take her.

Manik - Yaaa sure.

Mukti - OK then.... By bhai(brother).. Take care of her.

Cabir - Okk Manik. TAKE CARE OF HER. (Manik glared him and he made a not so scared face)

(They all left)

Manik - Nandini let's go.

Nandini nodded in NO - I don't want to go (She sat on the floor)

Manik - Nandini enough . Now please let's just go.

Nandini shouting - NOOOOOOOOOOO I won't.

Manik - So you have decided .

Nandini - YES.

He bend down holding her hand and threw her over his shoulder. She started shouting and hitting him but he was stern as usual . She cycled her legs trying to hit but in return she earned a really nice slap on her butt.



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