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September 3rd
Virginia time

Corbyn laid in bed, his eyes starring at the screen popped up on his phone.

Harper🍟 would like to facetime

He had debated not answering it, he didn't want to hear all about her date, he didn't want to hear about how some guy put his arms around her, how he made her smile, how he wasn't him, although he wasn't sure why. Harper was his best friend after all, he was happy for her, at least that's what he tells himself as he slides the answer button- waiting for her face to pop up.

"Bean!" She gushed with excitement as a smile fell over her face when his face popped up on her screen.

Even her smile made him smile, like suddenly all the pouting and inner screaming he had been doing all day was only but a distant memory just like the fact that she had gone out on a date, suddenly he had just forgot.

"Hello harp" he smiled, taking in her beautiful features from the screen, her hair in a top bun with the sides flowing down passed her shoulders, wearing her favourite yellow hoodie he had seen many times in snapchats, FaceTimes and even sometimes instagram photos.

"He took me for Tacos! Tacos corbyn, I think he's a keeper" She winked with a smile. Reality  flashed back to Corbyn, with all the thoughts and feelings he had been dealing with since she had first told him about the asking of the date.

Corbyn felt a small bit on anger in him, only because that's exactly what he would have done. Harper loved tacos, it was her favourite food besides pizza and nachos, but what was he saying- he wouldn't have taken her on a date because she's his best friends and best friends don't do that, not in the romantic way anyways.

"Was he respectful? Did he hold doors open for you? Did he ask you about yourself?" Corbyn asked, but by the smile that was still fully apparent on her face he could tell the answer wasn't the answer he wanted.

Somewhere deep down Corbyn had hoped he would have been an asshole, he had hoped one date was all this douche would get, but he felt as if this was only the beginning, and it was going to kill him.

Harper started to ramble all about her date; but at this point Corbyn wasn't listening, he was focused on her stupid bright smile he adored and the way her eyes sparkled.

Harper was clueless. She was clueless in many ways.

She was clueless in the sense where she didn't realize no one would know her better than Corbyn. No one would know her love for history better than he did, no one would know that the ending of World War One was NEVER to be brought up with her unless they were looking for a war themselves. No one would know the hours she's spent binge watching animal videos and how a picture of kong could change her whole day. No one would know that putting tomatoes on her taco would make her puke, as she hates the texture and the flavour but yet she puts ketchup on almost everything, no one would know all these amazing little things Corbyn knew, and if anyone did know them, they wouldn't know them as well as he did.

She was clueless in other ways as well. She  was clueless because she had thought that Corbyn  was a famous guy who could never see her as anything more than a friend, so she moved on before trying, not understand that with every text they shared Corbyn was falling for her, but in a way he was just as clueless as her- for even thinking for a second that Harper was just a best friend to him.

If only she knew she'd get heart broken in the end.

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