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October 5th
Manhattan, New York

Harper and Corbyn walked into their hotel room, the words Jack's mom said replaying in her ears like her favourite song on repeat. He had been fighting with herself for hours about whether or not to bring it up on their last night together before Corbyn and the boys take off to the Uk for a few weeks. She was so unsure on how the conversation would leave them that the thought of ruining what had been the most amazing 24 hours of her life frightened her.

"Harp come here" Corbyn said, sitting on the bed and patting the spot next to him for her. Since he had finished their performance on TRL she had been more quiet than ever before and it was now starting to worry the boy. She hardly ate at dinner and that was when he officially knew something was wrong, this is the girl who threatened to take a chain saw to a lock when her father had put one of the fridge an hour after eating thanksgiving dinner.

Sitting down next to her boyfriend her eyes locked with the floor, refusing to meet his gaze.

"Harper, tell me what is going on. Did someone say something to you? You've been almost ghost like since TRL, you didn't eat and we ordered nachos Harper, you once fought someone for the last jar of cheese sauce. This is very unlike my Harper Wallace" Corbyn said with a small chuckle hoping to gain some sort of laugh from the girl- but he ended up with nothing.

"Who's Christina?"She blurted out in a whisper. She felt Corbyn stiffen beside her and thats when panic started to rise in her body.

"Im sorry, I'm sorry" She whispered over and over again, regretting allowing the words to leave her body.

"Hey, stop" Corbyn said softly, picking her up and placing her on his lap, repeatedly kissing all over her face until he felt her stop shaking.


"Jack's mom, she said how nice it was to see you so happy after how much of a mess you were when Christina left"She said, placing her head on his shoulder while her legs hung over his thighs and onto the bed.

"She was my ex. We dated for over a year and then she broke up with me. It was hard on me, extremely hard. We were over long before we had broken up, but I have a very hard time letting people leave, even when I know its time to say goodbye. Having a constant in my life for so long and then having them leaving is harder for me than anything. When we broke up officially it was because she had found someone else, someone who lived in her city and gave her the things I couldn't I guess. I had spent a long time fighting for something that wasn't ever gong to make it and I think that maybe that all made it worse" Corbyn explained, rubbing his thumb up and down her exposed side as his hand rested under her shirt.

"I struggled for a while, to the fans I was still the same happy guy- but to the boys, family and anyone who knew me well enough I seemed pretty broken and empty inside" Corbyn continued, placing a kiss to her cheek as she sat- her head still on his shoulder while she listened to every word he said.

"And then I met you, and for the first time in a really long time I smiled a real smile"

"But I'm scared, Im scared that you'll find someone in Pennsylvania, someone who could give you something I can't, someone who can be there every hour of the day-I can't always do that Harp and Im sorry" He whispered, trying to bite back his own tears as he told the girl everything.

Harper moved around, she now sat with her legs on either side of his waist as she was now face to face with her boy, looking into his glossy eyes while she cupped his soft cheeks.

"That won't happen, do you understand me Corbyn?"

"It took me way to fucking long to realize what was right in front of me and theres no id let the only guy I can share nachos with go" She said grinning causing a large chuckle to fall from his lips as he looked at her before nodding his head.

"Ive been through a lot of things Corbyn, but I couldn't ever imagine waking up and not texting you or getting a call from you or even seeing you, Ill never stop fighting for us" She whispered as she got closer to him, her lips ghosting over his before he connected them.

His hands went from her sides to wrapped tightly around her waist, pulling her even closer as her warms wrapped around his neck- their kiss getting more heated by the moment.

"I think Im falling head over heals for you Harper Wallace" Corbyn whispered as he pulled away and rested his forehead on hers.

"I think I'm falling head over heals for you Corbyn Besson" She whispered back before connecting their lips together once more,

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