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September 7th
Manhattan New york

As Harper got out of the Uber-only feet away from the blonde haired boy, Corbyn sat inside the restaurant with his four best friends, frowning at his phone trying to come up with logical reasons as to why he hadn't heard from Harper today. Not understand that if Harper had messaged him today she would have told him, to excited not to tell her best friend, and she'd ruined the surprise.

Looking through the window Harper spotted the group, Daniel seeing the girl almost instantly as he had been checking "very non suspiciously" for the last ten minutes.

Right before she walked into the restaurant she received a text from her now boyfriend, telling her to have a fun night and he'd see her tomorrow. Jake was so sweet, wasn't he just so sweet?

Smiling down at her phone she slipped it into her back pocket and walked to the entrance, every bone in her body shaking, her breath heavier than ever.

"Hi can I take your order?" She asked as she walked up to the table, all the boys looking up and smiling but Corbyn was still looking down at his phone, he was sending Harper a text.

"We just ord-" he said bringing his head up to look at the girl who he had thought was the waitress- but then his eyes went wide and his face went bright with a smile as he took in the sight in front of him.

The most beautiful girl in the world was standing in front of him.

"Holy fuck" he said, not caring for even a second if anyone in the place could hear him as he jumped up, taking the brown haired girl in his arms- his head on her shoulder as he held her tight while she let out a small laughed.

"Hi bean" she smiled as he pulled away. The two shared a moment unlike anything Corbyn had ever experienced, they just shared a look with one another, their faces closer and their eyes locked while smiles played on both their faces.

"Did you guys do this?" Corbyn asked, pulling away and turning to see four boys with their phones recording and smiles on their faces as well.

"Good old American Idol set it up" Harper told him, wrapping an arm around his shoulder, while the bean didn't even hesitating before wrapping his arm around her waist.

"We told the waiter to cancel your order before you sat down, so go have fun" Daniel smiled, loving the look of pure bliss and happiness on Corbyn's face as he nodded before grabbing Harpers hand and pulling her out of the restaurant, but not before yelling a thank you to Daniel- who he was going to stop and get a watermelon.

"So Harper" Corbyn started but cut himself off.

"So queen, how does tacos sound?" He corrected himself, looking down beside him to see the short girls eyes light up at one of her favourite words. The two were still holding hands, neither of them realizing it but both of them enjoying it.

"Well Sir bean Id say hell to yes my dude" She laughed, wrapping her arms with his and starting to run.

The two sat across from each other in a booth of a Mexican restaurant they had found on their passings of the streets of New York City. The smile never leaving either of their faces while they shared one of their first in real life conversations, hoping this would only be the beginning of many.

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