
8.7K 290 38

October 19th
Pennsylvania time

Queen Wallace❤️
Have a safe flight baby

Ocean eyes❤️
Babe it's like 4:30am

Ocean eyes❤️
How come your up?

Queen Wallace❤️
I couldn't fall back asleep

Queen Wallace❤️
Plus I knew you were
taking off soon

Ocean eyes❤️
Want to talk on the phone
until you fall asleep?

Queen Wallace❤️
Are you busy?

Ocean eyes❤️
Never if it's for you

Queen Wallace❤️
I'm serous bean

Ocean eyes❤️
We are just waiting in the
airport love

Queen Wallace❤️
Than yes please :(


Harpers phone flashed as a picture of Corbyn and her came up, it was a picture of the first kiss they had shared thanks to Jack who had taken a photo while Jonah video taped it all.

Admittedly she had watched all the videos the two had taken over the course of the few days they had spent together- she missed Corbyn more than she ever could have dreamed of when she watched him fly away.

Pressing the green answer button at the bottom of the screen she sat her phone up next to the pillow her head rested on, her eyebrow, eye and half of her smile being shown on the screen as she waited for Corbyn's beautiful face to come into view.

"Hello babygirl" he said as he- with a large smile, popped up on the screen. His voice instantly relaxing her, making her feel more calm than she had been in days.

"Hi super star"She replied, the most genuine smile she'd had on her face in about a week, and it was all thanks to the boy on the phone.

"Can you sing to me?" She asked, feeling her eyes start to get heavy once again- letting them close as she started to hear the beautiful and soft words leave Corbyn's lips as he sang "can I be him" by James Arthur, admittedly a song he had listened to a lot while the girl was dating sir douchebag.

Corbyn sang to her until he heard the soft snore fall from her beautiful lips. Feeling nothing but happiness fill him as he took a second before hanging up to look at the relaxed girl.

The love struck smile hit his face hard as he whispered a goodnight to her before hanging up.

Corbyn missed the girl like crazy. He found himself wishing the two were in a position where he could just come over it she couldn't sleep or where time zones wouldn't ever effect their talking or where he wasn't traveling so much to be with her more. Not ever saying that he regretted where him and the boys now were in their lives, but sometimes he wished Harper could just pack up and leave whenever, without school or work being an issue for her.

But if she was going to UCLA all of this would only be going on for 7 more months before everything came easier for them.

Corbyn knew that as long as Harper stayed so would he, he was falling more for her every god damn day and he already couldn't imagine a day without her.

The small fight the two almost had was enough to make his heart hurt.

He was whipped, he was in love, he was everything when it came to Harper Wallace.

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