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October 6th
Manhattan, New York

When Harper woke up the next morning to see a beautiful boy laying next to her, his arm loosely around her waist she felt the sadness in the air knowing that after she watched his plane to London taken off there was going to be a large period of time without being this close to him again.

Bringing her hand up to his messy blonde hair she weaved her fingers through it as he slept, finding it adorable when he scooted closer to her, his head now basically laying on her chest while she laid on her back- their legs still intertwined.

The memories of last night flashed through her mind as she laid there. The hours of talking and kissing and hand holding had all made her stomach feel like a zoo was attacking her. She had never felt this way for a guy before.

Her only "real" relationship was in grade 9, it lasted for about a year but both of them were just too busy and as it was a younger relationship the feeling they had weren't as strong as they had thought they were and they drifted apart, but somehow in a weekend Corbyn had managed to make her feel things that Ashton hadn't been able to do in a year.

She had never meant any words so truly than she did last night, when she told him she was falling for him- because it was true, it was more than true. She knew it, the boys knew it, hell the fans knew it. The two had a connection that was clear as day to see.

Harper felt movement on her chest and looked down to see the beautiful ocean eyes she loved start to flutter open as a sleepy smile fell on his face and his grip around her waist tightening, but never for a second did she stop running her long fingers through his hair.

"Good morning"Harper smiled before leaning down to place a kiss on his forehead.

Corbyn wasn't use to this, sure him and Christina kissed or showed some affection with one another, but it was never like this. He could never feel the love and care through a simple kiss, he never felt like he was protected just by simply laying his head on her chest, somehow someway Harper made him feel all those things.

"So I was thinking,we just shove you in my suitcase with some chips and you'll be okay" He said with a cheeky smile causing her to grin while she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry baby, I think the flights a little too long for that"

"Remind me why you can't come again?" He frowned as he moved his head upwards, the couple making eye contact for the first time this morning.

"School, my dad, my brother, work" she frowned back, wishing just for a moment she could be selfish, leave everything behind and run away with him- but that wasn't reality.

"You work to much Harper, it worries me"

They've had this conversation before- over text mind you and never in person so it pulled at her heart strings even more so than Normal.

"I know but don't worry, I can handle it" She smiled as she placed a soft kiss to his lips- savouring the moments as times like this wouldn't come again for a while.

October 6th
JFK, New York

The couple was now faced with the hardest part of this whole trip, saying goodbye. All the other boys had given their newest family member a hug goodbye before walking over to the seats along the window, leaving the blonde and the soft brown haired girl alone to say there goodbyes.

"Last chance for me to open the suitcase" Corbyn told her with a soft chuckle, but in the moment it wasn't making her feel any better. Saying goodbye to the boy as a best friend was hard, but now saying goodbye to him when she felt like she couldn't go more than five seconds without him was certainly heartbreaking. But with saying that never even for a second did she regret her choice in saying yes to Corbyn because she felt in her gut that they were strong enough to handle anything that came their way.

"Sorry bub, if I could I would" She said as she walked into his arms,feeling the warmth of his chest and his heartbeat ringing through her ears like a beautiful sympathy- one she wouldn't be able to hear for a really long time.

"This wasn't supposed to be this hard, you were gonna get on a stupid plane and go to stupid London and I was supposed to go home and then it would all be fine and dandy" Harper said with a sad chuckle as she felt a tear slip down her face.

"If you cry I'm gonna cry Wallace" He whispered as he head sat perfectly in her neck, neither of them wanting to let go.

"The second we get home, ill book a flight to you or ill book you a flight to me somehow someway ill see you as soon as we are in the same country again" He said as he placed kisses up her neck, wanting her to feel as comforted as possible in such a public place.

"Last boarding call for flight 708 to London"

But Corbyn didn't let go of her and it wasn't until Daniel came over and pulled on his shoulder that his arms actually fell to his sides.

"Ill see you soon" Harper smiled as she pressed a kiss to Corbyn's lips before watching him walk away and board the plane.

The young girl stood in the large window and watched as the plane that held her now four best friends and the boy that she had a large feeling would become the love of her life fly away.

Instead of the tears she had a feeling shed be crying her face was replaced with a large bright smile.

This was only the beginning for them. She was lucky enough to be the girl by his side while he was making his dreams come true and she could never be more thankful for that.


60+k reads?! Thank you all so much ily

Don't forger the second book to this series its out and its called 'Uber', its a Zach book.

Until tomorrow when I update again(:

Ocean eyes||Corbyn bessonOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant