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October 2nd
Pennsylvania time

Are you at the hotel yet?

Yeah we got in about
an hour ago why?

Can I call you?

Of course you can,
you don't even have to ask

Sacramento Califorina

Corbyn smiled as his phone lit up with Harpers contact name, one of his favourite parts of the day was talking to harper on the phone, hearing her rant about her day, talk about something stupid a teacher said, what she was binge watching. Honestly Corbyn just enjoyed listening to her talk, not caring what the topic was about.

But Corbyn's large smile on his face quickly disappeared as the connection sign disappeared and Harpers face popped up on the screen.

"Hi" She laughed sadly as she used the edge of her hand to wipe the falling tears that were sliding from her eyes onto her cheeks.

"Harp.. what happened?" He asked softly as he took in the look on her face. He had never seen such a heartbreaking and devastating look on anyone before so it was more than shocking to see such a face on his happy, bubbly, free spirited Harper.

"Apparently it was all a bet, to see how long it would take him to get into my pants" She laughed again, this time it was more heartbreaking than the last as a fresh set of tears rolled down her face, this time she didn't even bother to wipe them off.

"Apparently no one wants the girl who could stand to lose a few pounds and the girl who embarrasses them by having a panic attack in public or even the girl who doesn't talk much in school. Apparently no one would want me"She told him. The pain on her face was enough to make Corbyn want to kill and to find out the words this douche bag said to the love of his life made him absolutely murderous.

"Im gonna fucking kill him" Corbyn spat causing Harpers head to shoot back up, never before hearing the rage like this in Corbyn's voice.

"Why its true, all of it. No one wants to fucking deal with all the problems I come with, no one could love me the way I could love them, I'm too much" She whispered, her eyes locking with the floor again, the blank and numb facial expression taking over her voice again.

"Harper fucking Wallace you listen to me. That isn't true. If it was true I wouldn't be falling for you, it wouldn't have hurt me to watch you be with somebody who I knew didn't deserve you. It wouldn't hurt me this much to watch you be in pain knowing I'm so far away and I can't comfort you in the way you need. If you needed to lose a few pounds which you don't that wasn't obvious to me because every time I see you I can't help but think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I want you, I want you when your a mess and when your not. I want you at two am when a scene from One Tree Hill make you cry, I want you when the Pizza guy gets your order wrong and you look like you could kill. I think Ive wanted you since you called me Jeff so don't you fucking dare tell me that nobody wants you" By the time Corbyn had finished his eyes grew wide, realizing what he had just said.

Just as Harper opened her mouth to speak Daniel walked through Corbyn's door.

"Bean we gotta go now, everyone is waiting downstairs"He said sweetly smiling at him.

"I have to go Harp, Ill text you later. I love you" he told her and with that he hung up, having no idea where the two stood, his heart somewhere in between feeling heartbroken and relieved as he walked out the door.

Pennsylvania time

I love you too

And not just how I've been making
myself believe Ive been saying it for the last month.

Ive wanted you since I
heard your beautiful
voice come through
my phone and your
ocean eyes locked
with mine.

Ocean eyes||Corbyn bessonWhere stories live. Discover now