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October 5th
Manhattan, New York

When Harper woke up the next morning she felt finger tips trace shapes on her lower back. Smiling at the feeling she got when Corbyn touched her- the feelings she had ignored for so long. Turning her head to meet Corbyn's beautiful eyes as he was looking at her from his place on his side while he watched her sleep, not in a creepy or perverted way, in a way filled with love and passion.

"Goodmorning beautiful" he whispered, the smile never leaving his face as the words fell from his soft pink lips.

"Hello" she whispered back, her voice a little cracky from her sleep, making her blush slightly while she buried her head back into the soft white pillow that laid on the bed of Corbyn's hotel room.

Reality snapped back to her as she lifted her head off the pillow to meet his ocean eyes once more while a large spread smile took over her face in seconds.

"My boys gonna be on TRL today" she smiled as she felt herself get lost in his eyes, god his fucking eyes would be the death of her one day.
Corbyn shuffled closer to her, pressing their bodies and foreheads together- there lips so close to touching she could almost feel the sparks.

"Say That again" he whispered, closing his eyes as he felt butterflies take over his stomach.


"Try again"


Corbyn brought his hands up to her sides before moving them back and forth fast, remembering one of their very late night phone calls where she had told him about how ticklish she was.

"C-Corbyn stop" she cried as she tried calming down while she squirmed under his fingers, her fits of laughter completely taking over the Hotel room as he continued.

"say I'm the sexiest man alive" he smiled as he now sat on top of her, still attacking her sides while she laughed so hard she couldn't consume enough oxygen.

"I-I can't lie to jonah like that" She cried while trying to roll over and out of his grip.

Soon enough she had flipped the two of them, her Friday works outs had proven effectiveness as she now sat proudly on top of him, trying to catch her breath from his horrendous tickling party he had decided was needed so early in the morning.

"Corbyn Matthew Besson, if you ever do that again I will lock myself in the bathroom" she threaten causing a large smile to fall onto his lips, yet again this morning.

"Not a bad idea, no Jonah in there" he laughed causing the girl to roll her eyes.

"That you know of" her retorted with a smirk, this time Corbyn being the one to roll his eyes.

"Come here pretty girl" he whispered opening his arms- singling her to lean down and hug him.

Obliging to the blonde while her heart skipped a beat she leaned down, wrapping her arms around him while her legs sat on both sides of his waist. Corbyn's long arms wrapped around her shoulders and upper back as he placed a kiss on her head.

"I like this" he whispered, feeling like anything above that would make this moment fade away.

"I should hope so or else you asked me out for nothing" she laughed causing her chest to vibrate on his, sending a whole fucking zoo to attack his stomach.

"You ruin good moments Harper Grace Wallace" he told her.

"Good moments are never ruined if we are together ocean eyes" she said, moving her head upwards on his chest, her eyes locking with his.

Placing his soft lips on hers for the millionth time since the lobby, he smiled into the kiss- thinking about how long he had been wanting to do that for. Maybe they had only known each other for three months, but the closeness the two had created over that period and the feelings he had developed were unlike anything Corbyn had ever had before, those two months of feelings felt like years to him, and nothing had made him happier than to be able to express those and share them with her now.

October 5th
Time Square

Harper stood next to Jack's mom and sisters while the boys preformed on TRL, being completely blown away when Corbyn started singing his part. The butterflies and heart racing she got when she heard his voice was enough to drive her crazy, no voice had ever been so soothing to her, so calming yet explosive at times like now.

"It's so nice to see Corbyn so happy, he was a mess after Christina left" Jack's mom said with a large smile on her face as she took pictures on her phone.

Harper scrunched her eyebrows I'm confusion. The two had talked about so much over the last three months, from family, school, work, LA, the band, traveling-  but never once in all the conversations the two had shared did Corbyn mention a Christina.

No hate to Christina, I absolutely love her and beans relationship along with the chickee herself❤️
This is just for the story, so if you don't like it don't read it🤷🏼‍♀️ Mkay?

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