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September 15th
Pennsylvania time

Do you think
I'm a bad person?

Ocean eyes👀
Of course I don't

Ocean eyes👀
You're the most amazing
person I've ever met

Ocean eyes👀
Why bub?

Me and Jake got into
A small argument,
It was my fault and I
just feel like a bad person

Ocean eyes👀
I can promise that
whatever this fight was
it wasn't your fault bub,
You are an amazing
person with a huge
heart and a beautiful smile

Ocean eyes👀
So whatever he
did to make you believe
It was your fault
Undo it right this instant

Ocean eyes 👀
You are anything but
a bad person love💛

I love you bean
So much 💛

Ocean eyes👀
I love you more Harp 💛

Ocean eyes||Corbyn bessonOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora