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August 5th
Pennsylvania time

Bed Buddy❤️
Packing is much
harder than I thought
it would be.

You've made check
list haven't you?

Bed Buddy❤️

Bed Buddy❤️

Bed Buddy❤️
I've never lived
anywhere else
besides this bedroom.
It feels so strange that
in 13 days I'll live across
the world; it's scary.

Bed Buddy❤️
I'll be a grown up;
with a grown up job
after university, we
will pay bills and be grown
ups. Isn't that scary?

it is. But when
I think of growing up,
And how scary it all is,
I think about the fact
that you'll be
next to me holding my hand,
it doesn't seem to scary then.

Bed Buddy❤️
It use to scare me
you know

Bed Buddy❤️
To wonder if we
were on the same page.

Bed Buddy❤️
To be scared that you
didn't feel for me, or love
me the same way I love you.

Bed Buddy❤️
But then you say things
like that, and I know that
we are on the same
page, that I'm with the
right person.

Bed Buddy❤️
And that makes
the world less

I'll always be
helpless in love
with you
Harper Wallace

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