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- Monday, October 27 -

"Hey Yara!"

"Great shoes Yara!"

"Do you wanna sit with me at lunch Yara?!"

Those were just some of the things head cheerleader Yara Davis heard on a daily basis. Hazel eyes, chocolate skin, and cherry red lips, were what  made all the guys want Yara, and what made the girls want to be her.

Yara's father was the mayor of Mayrose, and her mother was a popular fashion mogul- Yara being one of her younger models. She'd been modeling for her mother since she was five, and now had partnered with her to create her own teen winter line.

As Yara pranced around the halls in her Dior dress, leather Burberry purse, and Versace heels, she looked at two guys eyeing and whispering about her. Noticing her glancing at them, they quickly turned away.

Ignoring it, she rolled her eyes and continued to talk to her best friend, Stacy Green.

"So when is your gala?," Stacy asked.

"Two months from now.," she answered. "At the Mayrose Art Museum. It's a masquerade event. That's when we'll unveil my new line."

Stacy's eyes sparkled. "And what're you gonna wear?"

Yara shrugged. "Probably something sent exclusively from Chanel. Perhaps a fur coat."

Stacy's eyes sparkled. "You're so lucky you get to start your own winter line. And that you get luxury clothes from the most expensive brands. And that your boyfriend is the top quarterback in the state. You pretty much have everything!"

Yara again shrugged. She was always so used to being given luxury, that she never really took the time to think about what she was given, or even what she already had. She didn't think of herself as spoiled, but rather just expected that she would be given the best of the best.

"I guess. But you know what I don't have? Any buzz. If I'm gonna have anyone other than you show up to my gala, then I need to get the word out. Which is why I'm having a party at my parents' greenhouse. To promote my new line. That way everyone will begin to talk."

Stacy's face grew bright red. "Do your parents know about this?"

Yara shook her head. "That's why it's the perfect time to do it. Now-" She pulled out some purple envelopes from her bag and separated them into two halves. She passed one half to Stacy. "Give these out to the football team on the other side of the corridor. I'll start giving them out on this si- OH MY GOD!"

As Yara had been walking down the hall, she had bumped into a girl in a black hoodie carrying a pumpkin spice latte, which spilled all over her blue Burberry bag and the girl's shoes. Stacy stood watching, her hands clasped over her mouth.

Yara squealed and then growled as her face grew with anger, glaring at the girl in the hoodie.

"HOW DARE YOU?!DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH THAT COST?!," she screamed, her voice echoing through the halls, everyone now looking up at her and gasping one by one. "THAT WAS OVER TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS!"

The girl in the hoodie brought her head up to look at Yara, her green eyes meeting Yara's brown. "That was a leather bag." Her voice was plain and dull.


"A cow died for that bag.," she said disregarding the threat.

Yara's angered expression changed to confusion. She turned to Stacy, who shrugged, also flustered by what was going on.

Yara turned back to the girl and crossed her arms. "So?"

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now