Chapter Five

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- Friday, October 31 -

It was the next day. Friday. The day of the Halloween dance. A day some people were looking forward to- far more than others.

That morning, Blake, Spencer, and Lena had met at the same table as before, and were discussing the events of yesterday.

"No, no, no!," Lena yelled, her voice reflecting throughout the cafeteria. "There is absolutely no way I'm going to a Halloween dance. Especially not to find a murderer!"

Hearing those words, Blake felt a shiver go down his spine - and not just because he was once again near Lena- but because the idea of him being enlisted to track down an assassin had finally hit him like a bullet to the head.

"We don't have any other choice!," Spencer argued. "We already agreed to it, and if we don't obey Mayor Henry, he could have us kicked out of town!"

Lena, as if not catching the urgent tone in Spencer's voice, sat there unfazed. "And that's a bad thing? Who would wanna stay in a town with a crazed murderer on the loose?! By tomorrow morning, I could be on the next train to Anaheim." She then sat back in her chair and pulled out a small latte from under the table, taking a sip.

Blake, still too intimidated to contribute anything, looked up at Lena's latte cup, noticing a particular detail. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but, I'm pretty sure your name isn't  Sarah."

Lena nit her eyebrows then turned the cup around to the front, and on the sleeve, written in dark black sharpie, was Sarah, big and bold.

Blake squinted his eyes. "You stole that, didn't you?"

Lena rolled her eyes. "Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!," she said sarcastically.

"Hold up.," Spencer said intrigued, leaning in closer. "You steal lattes from people? That's basically stealing money?!"

"So? There's a guy roaming around this place, murdering teenagers, yet stealing a latte here and there makes me the criminal?!"

"Why though?," Blake questioned. "I know you aren't a bad person, so why do you find the need to steal?"

Lena froze in place, not really having the answer herself. Or, she did have the answer, but she just didn't want to give one. Whichever one it was, it didn't matter. She slugged her hood back on her head, grabbed her things, and began to get up.

"I don't have to explain myself to you."

Blake, seeing that he had somehow hit a nerve in her, reached his hand out in apology. "Wait, I didn't mean that-"

Lena looked back at him, again giving him that narrow glare she had yesterday, making Blake flinch back in place like a frightened puppy.

"I'll see you in class.," she said with a sigh, walking away.

Blake huffed, slowly falling out of his chair. Spencer looked at him. "Well, she's quite the character."

"Tell me about it," Blake said with a scoff, deep down wondering what he'd done wrong.

Spencer could tell he was overthinking, and put his hand on Blake's shoulder, gripping him to tell him to calm down.

Out of both Spencer and Blake, Spencer was more courageous. Blake may have been the one to wear the grey jacket, but under those tough layers of faux leather, was a soft, shy guy who didn't mean any harm. And when he did hurt someone, he would go to the ends of the Earth to make it right.

"Hey, it's not your fault.," Spencer reassured. "She's probably got her own stuff to deal with."

"Y-Yeah," Blake stuttered out with a nod. "You're right. It's probably nothing that involves me." But even saying that, made another tingle go down Blake's neck. And this time- it was all about the hooded demon.

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