Chapter Nineteen

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 - Saturday, November 8 -

It had been two days since Yara revealed her secret. Since she received a new message from 'The Multiple'. Since she'd talked to any of the others.

It was only early November and yet it felt like mid- December. Frost was beginning to build on the windows. The sky was bleak with swirls of grey and indigo, like an infinite storm. And all day, you could hear the shrieking, frigid wind, resembling sounds of shattering beer bottles.

Yara woke up that morning, a new sensation building within her body. As if now that she'd lost everything - her best friend, her boyfriend, her chance at a fresh start- she had just as much to gain back. As she laid in bed, she pulled out her phone and looked at all the texts she'd sent to Spencer. There were eight.

She let out a tired sigh, and started moving her thumbs across the screen, reading it over once before pressing send. Make that nine texts.

Yara stared at her phone for a while, as if waiting for at least some sign that he'd read it. Nothing.

That morning was bitter, so Yara decided to layer up. She wore a royal blue sweater with some denim shorts, over white knit stockings, and her favorite brown Uggs. She walked over to her mirror, particularly glancing at the photo of her, Stacy, and Shawn altogether at the movies. The room was dark all around them because the movie was starting, but Stacy wanted a picture, so she'd turned on the flash and snapped a photo. It also included the other people behind them who were pissed because of the light. One guy was even giving them the finger.

Suddenly, a familiar feeling took over Yara's body and made her skin tingle. That entrenched feeling of looking back at everything she once had, and knowing how quickly it had been taken away. A friendship built on twelve years of memories, all terminated by a knife in a matter of seconds. Seconds that she couldn't even witness.

"Wow," Yara muttered to herself, letting out a subtle laugh. "What the hell happened?" She started wondering if she looked at the picture hard enough if it would all come back. If she would come back. And that's when she noticed the background. Specifically her windows.

On the right side of the bedroom, Yara had three long windows, each a foot apart. A red, velvet curtain stretched over them, draped over the first and third window. But there was something off about them. Each one was engulfed in frost, but from where Yara stood, there seemed to be marks on all three of them.

"What the-" She squinted as she quietly crept up to the first window, scrawled words starting to form in her vision. In the center of the first window, farthest to the right, was the word ONE in all caps. Scribbled on her window as if written with a single finger.

"Um... okay," Yara slurred, her voice cracking as her confusion grew. She moved to the middle window, and saw the same scribbles written in the center. Only this one spelled the word MORE.

Now completely creeped out, Yara moved to the third window, this one being the strangest. Rather than completely open to Yara's sight, her velvet curtain draped over it, meaning she would have to lift the curtain. She gently placed her manicured fingers on the edge of the curtain. "This isn't creepy at all," she whispered, slowly pushing away the curtain to reveal the window. Much bigger than the other two words, was DAY underlined three times.

But this one... was inscribed in blood.

A flush crept up Yara's face, her own blood curdling in horror. A series of questions began popping into her mind, as she heard her phone drop out of her hands and onto the floor. First off, who's blood was that? And when exactly did someone do this? It had to be when she was asleep.

Reluctantly, Yara took her finger, and scraped it along the blood on the window. She could actually feel the blood on her finger, but it didn't stain. Meaning, the person who did this had to be inside her room. And because the blood was dry, it had to have been last night.

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