Chapter Twenty-Nine

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- Sunday, November 16 -

Surprisingly enough, a lot happened after that day. Andrew had been taken into custody, and his father had officially taken away his future inheritance, completely abandoning his already distanced son. 

Principal Malik lost his job, and his family in the process. He went to a local prison, unaware that within three days his wife would file a divorce against him, and he'd lose any chance to see his three children ever again.  Even worse, he was forced to break the news to Mr.Benson's mother that his ex-employee's blood was on his hands. That conversation took a turn for the worse.

Detective Grayson was demoted and fired - obviously not without a fight - and was told he'd never have a job in the department again. Of course, he swore his revenge as they drove him out of Mayrose.

Caleb was unable to be arrested, considering his gun shot wounds were worse than ever, but the pain of his missing right leg was punishment enough for him. And as for his sister Kate, she too didn't go to prison but the scars of everything she'd been involved in over the last few weeks would forever be on her skin.

Thirty minutes after the cops had shown up that day, Johnny had been found dead a block away from the news station, two slits in the shape of a T on his chest. And as for Teresa... she was no where to be found.

A week went by after that, and there Yara was, sitting in a limo two feet away from Shawn, her legs tensely crossed and her lips pressed. She stared out the window of the moving vehicle, and looked at all the tombstones passing by them in blurs of gray. She then thought of all the deceased who used this place as a bed of rest, and how they were about to add one more.

As she continued to stare out, she felt a hand run over her fingers and interlace between them. Through wet eyes, she turned over to see Shawn's eyes just as red, holding her hand tight.

"This is it, Davis," he said, his voice quiet.

Yara nodded. "Guess so. It's overdue. She's been through a lot to even get here." She sighed, a flashback of shoving Stacy's body into an ice box making her shiver. "I... I never got to apologize to you. About hiding Stacy's body. You're her brother, and I shouldn't have kept something that big from you."

He empathetically shook his head. "Don't be. Your dad was the one who saw her as a black mark. She was your best friend. You cared about her just as much as I did."

Yara thought about her father. How she'd been in his shadow for years, doing whatever he asked without question. It was a lot like her relationship with Andrew. She'd never realized how alike they were until she'd finally gotten rid of them both.

After Yara exposed one of her family's biggest secrets, Henry Davis was removed as mayor for further investigation... and all of his assets were frozen. This led to him abruptly leaving the town - and the country -  going under a new, unknown alias. Leaving Yara and Sierra with only a hundred thousand dollars and the clothes off their back.

"My father was, and still is, a bad man. I'm sorry I didn't turn him in sooner. Guess I was just looking out for myself." Yara's eyes lowered, guilt flooding her veins. Even if she had done the right thing, she still couldn't help but feel the weight of her actions. Her family was now separated, and her and her mother were left with little to nothing. Things weren't going to get any easier from here.

"Hey, you're not like that anymore," Shawn assured. He slowly grazed his thumb over her hand, instantly making Yara's face go hot. "You didn't have to give the bit of money you and your mom had left to use on Stacy's funeral. That was really cool of you."

Yara scoffed. "Of course I did. After learning about all the sacrifices she made for me. She died so that my family's fucked up legacy could continue. She deserves the best."

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