Chapter Six

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Apparently, Stacy's image hadn't just hit Mr.Benson's Literature class, but was spread to every screen in Mayrose. All phones, tablets, laptops, and even TV's were frozen with a lifeless Stacy Green haunting everyone's vision.

About thirty minutes later, officials were able to get the eerie photo off all devices and in no time, Principal Malik had called an emergency school assembly to address the issue. As the students began to fill in the seats of the auditorium, Principal Malik played a live news report from the projector:

"This is Channel 56 News, here with a report on the latest Instagram post, that's sending a chill down everyone's spines. Earlier this morning, a ghastly image found its way to social media of newly deceased Mayrose Academy Student, Stacy Green. While authorities have been able to remove the photo from everyone's devices, they still are unable to delete it permanently from the Instagram platform, as the picture has spread to hundreds. We are still in the dark on who the hacker of this crime is, but we are working on it as we speak. More on this story, as it develops."

Principal Malik turned off the projector, and looked back at the students, who were frazzled with questions. As their voices began to grow louder and louder, Principal Malik leaned up to the podium. "Students please. I can assure you that this will be taken care of and you have nothing to worry about."

That surely hadn't helped, as more and more students began to raise their hands with questions.

"Is the person who posted the photo the same person who killed Stacy Green?"

"Can the person hack into our personal information and data?"

"Why hasn't the Mayor come out with a public statement on this? Does he not care about our safety?"

The panicking voices once again rose, and Principal Malik once again raised his voice. "Students, please! Currently, we don't have the answers, but I can assure you that soon, we will. Until then, there is no need for fear."

The bell rang, and the assembly finished. Principal Malik looked up at the students. "Class is now continued and you all may go on with your day as you were. The Halloween Dance will still be held tonight as usual, and I can promise you that your safety will be our top priority. Have a great rest of your day, and I look forward to seeing you tonight."

The students of Mayrose Academy, still not satisfied with that answer, began to grab their bags, and walk out to the hallway.

"Sooo, that was something," said Spencer, as he, Blake, Lena, and Yara, walked out of the classroom and down the hall.

"Yeah," Blake agreed. "Something totally creepy! What the heck even was that?!"

"I'm gonna go with it was Mayrose's most popular dead girl taking over all of our devices.," Lena said sarcastically.

Blake rolled his eyes. He should've expected that answer coming from Lena.

"Anyway," Spencer continued. "Any ideas on who did this?" He specifically looked at Yara as he asked the question.

She shook her head in response, barely hearing the question- her best friend's dead body fried into her brain. "I-I don't know," she said, her voice sounding weak and shaky. "Stacy never had any enemies. It's totally strange. I just don't know how we're going to-"

Suddenly, as the four were walking farther down the hall, a nearby conversation caught Yara's ears. She froze in place, making everyone else stop too, turning her head in the direction of the chatter.

A girl with blonde hair and peach highlights, and a boy with chestnut brown hair, were talking to each other close by the lockers. The boy looked to be a junior, while the girl- who was slightly shorter- looked like a freshman. The girl closed her locker behind her, and turned to the boy.

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now