Chapter Ten

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"A pumpkin spice latte for Gina!," yelled the barista, leaving the cup on the counter in plain sight.

Lena smiled. Now this was what she was used to. Not tracking down crazed murderers for a bunch of prissy people she couldn't stand.

She pulled her hood over her head, and began silently sneaking over to the counter, before a familiar voice startled her to a halt.

"So this is what you're 'busy' with, huh? Looks time consuming."

Frozen, she huffed loudly, and turned around slowly, seeing Blake with his arms folded and his eyebrow raised.

Okay, so maybe she wasn't really 'busy', but she was definitely agitated. It was Saturday and they were trying to call her in for a murder case. Cut the girl some slack!

She smirked, pulling her hood back down. "Why yes, it is time consuming. And you've just wasted two minutes of it, so thanks for that."

Blake chuckled. Ah, there was that sarcasm that killed a conversation. "You know, you could just buy a latte?"

Lena scoffed, even though she really couldn't buy one. "I could," she lied. "But where's the fun in that?"

"So, is that why you do it?," Blake continued to question. "For fun?"

"I do it because I have to. The fun's just an added bonus."

"You have to? And that means?"

"What's with all the questions, biker boy?," Lena said pulling on the flap of Blake's jacket. "If anything, I'd say you're interrogating me. What's the deal?"

Blake shrugged. "Just trying to get some background info."

Lena yanked her hood back on again. "Yeah, well, interview over." She began walking past Blake, her shoulder roughly bumping into his.

Before she could walk out, Blake blurted out. "We've got some new information for the case." He watched as she paused in place, her back still facing his eyes. He continued on. "We went to Breed Technology and found out someone forced Caleb to send the photos."

"Breed Technology, huh?," Lena taunted, still not turning around. "Let me guess, the queen of petty herself got you the hookup?"

Blake disregarded it. "We also found out about something called 'The Multiple'. We're guessing that's the mastermind behind this."

Lena's nose wrinkled. "That sounds like the name of an emo rock band."

Blake stayed silent, nodding inside his head. It actually kind of did. "Well, whatever it is, Spencer and Yara are waiting for us over there to discuss it. And since you're here-"

"Sorry, but my shift doesn't start until Monday.," Lena interrupted abruptly. She then began walking off.

"So, you couldn't start your shift early? Even if it was for a free PSL?" Blake's hands were in his pockets, and a playful smirk danced across his lips.

Lena, once again, let out a long exaggerated breath. She hadn't had a latte in a hot minute. It was difficult to turn down a free one. Well, hers were always free, in a sense.

She slowly turned around again. "Well since I'm being treated, I'll take a large PSL, extra cream and extra, extra cinnamon. Thanks." She walked back over to him, stood on her toes and patted his head like he was a dog, then walked over to the booth Spencer and Yara were sitting in.

Blake laughed quietly, his voice deep. That sharpness was getting very standard.

"Any news from Andrew?," Spencer asked Yara, as they sat at the booth, waiting for Blake to come back with their drinks.

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