Chapter Two

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"We're being arrested?!," Spencer squeaked, his voice cracking.

Principal Malik unfolded his arms, shaking his head. "No, no. We're just here to ask you some questions. About what happened to Stacy Green."

Spencer, Blake, and Lena's eyes all widened, and they all turned back to Yara, who's face was now completely glowing.

She awkwardly stood there, rubbing her arms. "H-Have you found the person who did it yet?"

Blake nodded. "Have you found the body yet?"

Spencer barged in. "Yeah, and if so, would you be free for an interview?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Principal Malik started. "Everyone calm down. No, we haven't found the body, or the person who did it. But we are looking for some more information. And we have some suspects that we need to question."

The kids sighed, they then looked around at each other, and shocked expressions came onto their faces.

"Us?!," Lena screeched pointing to all of them. " You think we're capable of murder?!"

Principal Malik once again shook his head. "We're not saying that at all, Ms.Luther. But all evidence has shown that you four-" He pointed his index finger and pinky at the four of them. "were the last people she had the most contact with before the incident."

"And what evidence shows that?," Blake asked.

"Yeah," Spencer added. "There were tons of people at that party. Why pick the four of us?"

Principal Malik put his hand up. "Students, that's enough. As much as I don't want to do this, I've been ordered by the mayor to conduct a thorough, yet private investigation to collect more data on the situation."

"How do you know he's not just setting you up to frame one of us?," Lena pointed out. "For all you know, he and his prissy little daughter over here could be in on the entire thing!" She glared over at Yara, who was now backing into a corner.

"Why would I intentionally murder my best friend?!," she yelled in her defense.

"You Davis' are all so needy, you're always seeking attention. You probably bumped her off, just to find your name in a freaking newspaper!"

"Excuse me?!," she screamed appalled. "Are you calling me a killer?!"

"Well, if the shoe fits!"

"Ladies!," Principal Malik interrupted, clearly noticing that a physical fight was about to ensue. "Enough of this. Lena, I'm sure Yara has nothing to with the situation as much as you do. As much as any of you."

Blake crossed his arms. "If that's true, then why are any of us even here?"

Principal Malik began to grow impatient. "Enough of this back talk. You're here because you were in contact with Stacy on the day of the incident, and you will therefore be questioned. Each of you will be questioned individually by one of the following cops. You must answer honestly. If not, you will face expulsion."

The four students' mouths dropped.

"You would expel us  just for a question?!," Spencer said shocked.

Principal Malik sighed. "Children, I don't want to do this, but the mayor has left me no other option. Let's begin the interrogation."

Spencer, Blake, Lena, and Yara were defiant at first, but they had no other choice.

First up, was Lena.

Interrogating Lena, was a dark police officer, with a black beard, and a shaved buzz cut. His sharp jawline looked intimidating, but Lena had seen far worse.

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now