Chapter Twenty-Eight

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- Monday, November 10 -

"Andrew, I'm terribly sorry I couldn't escort you to the Davis' event. I have been quite busy sealing a deal that I can guarantee will benefit us financially. Believe me, I wish I could be there too, but just remember: Everything I am doing, everything I am striving to become. It is all for you. See you in ten to twelve business days."

An expression of nonchalance was stroked across Andrew's face. Without so much as a blink, he ended the voicemail and lowered the phone from his ear. He stared out far, the vision of his eyes blurry but the vision of his mind expanded, more than it had ever been before.

Everything he was becoming?, he thought. The only thing Andre Breed was becoming was an outlier to the rest of the world. A silent investor, loud in money and press. But not in love and awareness. The fixed tone of his father's words through the phone reverberated off the bones of his skull.

It is all for you.

Andrew blinked his glassy eyes and looked at the masterpiece he had worked so hard to pursue. People- vengeful citizens- all complying to his demands. Like they were merely puppets, and his fingers were tangled in their dangling strings. Forced to dance and move in any way that he pleased.

He had done this. Not with the help of his father, or from anyone else who'd claimed to be his ally. He had done it all for himself.

And sure, last night's events had played out... sporadically. But if Andrew had learned anything in his years of scheming, it was that setbacks were easy to eradicate. Just like people.

Tonight, he wouldn't fail. He'd succeed in the one thing his father never could even fathom a reality.

After tonight, he'd run everything. And the little shits who thought they could fuck with him? Well, their worlds will already have been twisted by the time they thought twice.

Andrew turned his head to the giant monitors of Breed Technology's laboratories. Then he glowered at the sight of Kate's bandaged fingers rapidly moving across the keyboard. Her fear was apparent on her face, her eyes big and round like a fly's. Trauma ran up her visible veins through the dark shades of blue, as the light hairs on her neck swayed tall like blades of grass.

He stared up at the contents of the screen:


I know what the hell you did, you evil bastard. And believe me when I say, I'm gonna tell everyone. You really thought you could get away with this. The world will know what you did you fucking snake. You were so envious of him because you knew he was going to win, so you just had to go and play one of your little Davis stunts one again. This isn't over.

Ah yes. His little email he'd sent that bastard Henry Davis in hopes of scaring his ass in a corner. Back then, he was all talk, no action. He didn't realize that if you want something, you have to grab it yourself. Before these ungrateful shits beat you to the punch.

But now, he'd take everyone by surprise. And not only scare Henry Davis' into a jail cell, but leave Yara helpless in the process. It was his sweet cherry of his sundae of revenge.

Andrew leaned over Kate's shoulder, scrutinizing her every move. He felt her body tremble underneath his skin, her shoulders tense as though she was holding her breath.

"How much longer before we can initiate?," He whispered in her ear, watching her lips quiver.

"Just a... b-bit longer," she stuttered. Her evident fear made Andrew's beam grow wider and wider. "They're bank account is quite... e-encrypted."

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