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Spencer Lee wasn't the coolest guy at school, but he didn't go unnoticed. With bleach blonde hair and big blue eyes, it was easy for him to be spotted in a crowd.

Being the head news anchor of the Mayrose News, Spencer knew his facts- from politics, to the latest gossip. Of course, that made him overly curious.

That day, Spencer had a meeting with the other Mayrose News members on what their next headline would be.
He met them in an emtpy classroom carrying a pile of papers. He walked in and found them all sitting at a round table talking. Once they noticed he had arrived, they looked up at him.

He unloaded his pile of papers onto the table panting, and then took a seat down.

"Sorry I'm late guys. Major traffic on the corridor. Alright, let's discuss our next chilling headline. So I was thinking that-"

"Spencer," said a brunette girl wearing pink glasses. "We need to talk about the last headline you pitched that we agreed to."

Spencer raised an eyebrow. "That our cafeteria meat is really cat meat? What was wrong with that? We had a ton of publicity from it."

The girl got out a file from her green tote bag.

"The science club ran a test on the last batch of meat from the school's burgers, and found that it is indeed beef. You're so called 'chilling story' was fake."

She plopped the file down on the table and slid it over to Spencer. He examined it closely and his expression dropped.

"This can't be right. I got an email saying that-"

The girl put a hand up, silencing Spencer.

"There is no need for an explanation. You broke the one rule of being a reporter. No fake news. You can leave your notepad here. Thank you for your time."

Spencer took out his notepad and his lip quivered. Being on the news team for Mayrose was one of Spencer's few enjoyments- that and Chipotle. Losing it would leave Spencer with very few options for his life- none of which he would savor like reporting.

"Please," Spencer pleaded. "Give me one more shot. I'll find a new headline for this week's webcast. A real headline. One that will get us a ton of viewers."

The brunette girl turned to the rest of the members and whispered to one another. Finally, they nodded at each other, and looked back at Spencer, who inside was screaming.

The girl adjusted her glasses and cleared her throat. "You have two days."

Spencer sighed of relief and violently shook the girl's hand. "Thank you so much. I promise I'll give you a headline you won't believe. You just watch."

The girl replied sternly. "You better."

And with that, Spencer ran out the door, in search of a hitting new story.

After the meeting, Spencer met with his friend Blake at his locker and told him about his dilemma.

Blake scoffed. "What's so great about being on the news team of Mayrose anyway? The only 'stories' people find interesting these days are whatever the Davis family does."

Spencer argued."Being on the cast of Mayrose News is one of the most prestigious honors you can get at this school. If I lose this, then I lose my chance at finding a college that will help me become a journalist."

"Well," said Blake putting his hand on Spencer's shoulder. "If you really want to keep your spot, then you better find a great story before Wednesday."

Spencer sighed. "I know, which at this point seems impossible. The last story I pitched to them took me the entire week to find, and that story is what got me into this mess. I just don't know what I'm gonna d-"

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now