Chapter Seven

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"Ugh, do I really have to do this?!," Lena said, as she looked at herself in the mirror of Yara's bedroom, a place she didn't imagine ever finding herself in.

It was a lot like how she'd expected it to be: velvet curtains draped over windows that were about 5 feet wide, that showed the mansion's garden - of course filled with marigolds. Her bed filled about half of the room, and most of it was covered in cherry red and sterling silver pillows, along with a dazzling chandelier encrusted with eighty diamonds or so, dangling over their heads.

That day after school, the four of them had headed to Yara's house to prepare for the Halloween Dance. While Spencer and Blake were downstairs putting on their costumes, Yara had forcefully made Lena come upstairs with her and let her dress her up for the occasion.

Yara sighed. "Yes. You're not gonna be allowed into the Halloween Dance without a costume, and the only thing you've got is a black hoodie."

Lena groaned. "I don't even wanna do this."

"Well, we all can't get what we want."

"You certainly can.," Lena muttered.

"Can you stop with the mumbling under your breath?!," Yara scolded. "It gets rather irritating. And just to be clear, this whole thing effects me too, you know."

"Yeah," Lena started. "At the end of all of this, your family's still in control of everyone, and the rest of us will go back to being your humble servants! All of this literally effects just you, and nobody else."

Yara groaned. "Listen. This may seem like a joke to you, but this is really important to me and my family. So what can I do to get you on board with this?"

Lena thought about it for a moment. What could she possibly want from the Davis family? What could she possibly want at all? There was only one thing she could think of.

"I want money.," she said, plain and simple.

"Doesn't everybody?," Yara replied with an eye roll.

"Haha.," said Lena blankly. "But I want money to get out of here. I'm sick of this town and what's going on with it. When this whole thing blows over, you and your family can do whatever you want with this place. Just leave me out of it. Give me some money to ditch this town."

Yara raised her eyebrow. "So that's it? I give you money, and you just get up and leave once this is all finished?"

She nodded. "That's the deal princess."

Yara rubbed her forehead exasperatesly. "Alright, fine. At least when you're gone, that's one less annoyance I have to deal with."

"Trust me," Lena agreed. "The feeling is mutual."

And for the rest of the time, they were silent as they got ready for that night.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Spencer and Blake had found some costumes from previous Halloweens, and got dressed in the main bathroom- which, although was being used as a bathroom, looked to be the size of a dining room.

Blake was fully dressed in his BMX bike rider costume, and sat on the rim of the bathtub, waiting for Spencer to finish putting on his reporter costume.

As Spencer struggled putting on his button up, Blake looked down at the blank screen of his cellphone. Ever since he'd seen his dead crush frozen on his device, he'd been afraid to turn his phone back on. He was worried that every time he'd turn it on, the bright light of the phone would only show Stacy's paralyzed body and pale face.

He needed to get the thought away from his mind. So he looked over at Spencer, who was still struggling to put on his button up shirt.

Blake laughed. "Are we gonna talk about how it's the fifth year you've worn that costume and how that shirt probably doesn't fit you anymore?"

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang