Chapter Sixteen

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POWER COUPLE... not so powerful?! Mayrose's Biggest Couple Yara and Andrew SPLIT UP!

Is our Main Model a Murderer?! Andrew Breed DUMPS Yara Davis for Suspect Accusations!

Andrew Breed Now on the Market After DROPPING YARA DAVIS?! Was it finally overdue?!

Yara scanned each title as she scrolled through the trending page of MSN.

"You know," Spencer said, his head laying on his knuckles, as he and Yara sat at their regulated coffee booth, waiting for the others. "Looking through newsfeed isn't going to make the fact that you were dumped any better."

"Well it's not like I'm gonna escape it either way," she said placing her phone screen down on the table, taking two seconds to roughly rub her forehead before snatching up her phone again and going through more blog posts.

It had only been two hours since Yara and Spencer's scavenge around the Principal's office, and the media was already buzzing about Andrew and Yara's breakup. It was crazy how social media could work in someone's favor, and make them the center of attention. On the downside, it could make someone the center of the wrong attention. In this case, for Yara, it was the second one.

And the worse part of it all... was that no one seemed devastated. Based on all the news reports no one was surprised by the breakup, and some were saying that it should've happened sooner. It made Yara wonder. Is this what people really thought of her? That she was a reckless teen who couldn't hold onto a boyfriend? Maybe the fame didn't even belong to her. It was just instinctually given to her all because of her last name.

She rolled her eyes and threw her hands up. "Great! Even my father's commenting on my relationship! Look."

She turned the phone to Spencer, and on it was Mayor Henry talking to a reporter from TMZ. The mayor was walking to his scheduled white limousine, when a reporter had popped out from behind a tree and ambushed him with questions.

"Mayor Henry! I'm sure you've heard the news about your daughter getting dumped by the founder of Breed Technology's son. What's your take on it?"

The reporter shoved past Mayor Henry's bodyguards, and was able to put the microphone directly in his face. Now obligated to give an answer, the mayor took the microphone in his hand and gave an apathetic look.

"Although it is dreadful for the young teens, I'm sure you're aware that my daughter is accountable for her own idiotic mistakes, and this predicament is no different. And although the two have now parted ways, I can assure you that Andre Breed and I will not let this get in the way of our partnership for Mayrose."

Yara turned the phone off, not even bothering to finish the interview. Of course her father didn't give a shit about her relationship. He'd made that clear a long time ago. "Ugh, forget it. I'm over this." She put her head down on the table and proceeded to silently tear up.

Spencer could see the contemplating look in Yara's eyes. How she was questioning all her choices up to now. He understood that feeling of regretting everything, and losing someone because of your dumb decisions. And not being able to get them back.

Earlier in the Principal's office, Spencer had taken a big leap allowing Yara to cry on his shoulder, and wasn't sure if his comfort was still wanted. It was worth a shot though. "Hey," he said trying once again to put his hand on her shoulder. She seemed so into her sob session, that she hadn't noticed, so Spencer guessed she was still open for support. "I'm sure this whole thing's gonna blow over. It just might take some time."

Yara sat up, her face dry and sad. She had wiped off the rest of her makeup, including her waterproof mascara, after immensely weeping last time. She looked at Spencer with a sagging face. Spencer nodded, now quiet. They both knew they didn't have much time. Not for Yara to mourn, or to even order some coffee. They'd passed since neither seemed in the mood for a decaf.

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