Chapter Eleven

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- Monday, November 3 -

School. A place that was once a refuge for many students, aside from the work. Now, it wasn't a refuge, or a hideaway. Now, it was a hellhole.

The entire area was guarded like a facility. As many guards as there were at the Halloween Dance, there were twice as many now. Students couldn't even get a breath of air without an officer breathing down their necks.

Plus, security cameras had been planted all over the school. Apart from the bathrooms, no room was left unseen by a small camera hiding out in the corners.

The school had even upgraded it's entry doors. Now, a metal detector framed the doors, so whenever someone walked in, they would be checked for anything metal. Yes, anything.

Yara and Spencer walked in through the doors, and immediately a loud siren went off.

Spencer's hands shot to his ears. "What the heck is that?!"

Suddenly, four officers popped up, two grabbing Yara's arms, the other two grabbing Spencer's.

"What's going on here?!," Yara squealed, trying to pull away from the officers' grip. "I demand to speak to the chief."

"That would be me."

Yara froze then rolled her eyes. "Of course it is."

Detective Grayson stood broadly, a grin wider than the Cheshire Cat's on his face. "Let 'em down boys."

Just like that, the officers obeyed, and dropped Yara and Spencer's arms. Spencer and Yara brushed themselves off.

"Was that really necessary?," Yara snapped. "I don't see how frisking every student makes them feel safe, detective. "

The detective put his hands on his hips."Well, maybe students shouldn't wear metal earrings that attract our metal detectors, so we don't have this situation."

Yara felt for her metal hoop earrings, and scowled.

Detective Grayson continued to jibe at Yara. "And this procedure wouldn't be necessary, had you and your little squad not escaped from the school last Friday." He narrowed his eyes at Spencer.

Spencer smiled innocently, playing with his fingers. "We don't like feeling trapped." He laughed awkwardly.

Detective Grayson growled. "Yeah? Well don't let it happen again. We're watching you. We're always watching you."

Unfazed by the threat, Yara strutted past him, tugging at Spencer to follow.

"So," Spencer started up the conversation. "He seems to like us."

Yara scoffed. "I know. We're certainly not his favorites. After the stunt we pulled last Friday, I'm pretty sure we're high on his list."

Spencer chuckled. "Yeah, probably."

An uncomfortable silence bombarded the conversation. As they walked, Spencer looked down at his shoes.

What Blake and Lena talked about that weekend was still tethered to Spencer's mind. And sadly, it all made sense. Yara was being secretive about where she was during the murder, and there wouldn't have been any other reason for Stacy to mutter her name. The pieces fit together so well, yet Spencer refused to believe it.

So he needed to he sure. He needed to gain her trust, and- as weird as it would be - her friendship. So, that morning, he'd asked Yara for a ride to school. Just so she could warm up to him. Once she trusted him, maybe she'd tell him what happened that night. And she'd be innocent. He hoped...

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