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 There's really not much to say about Lena Luther. She's not a person that's worshipped like Yara. She's not intrusive like Spencer. And she's not really the tough but shy character, like Blake. In fact, there was nothing at all to say about Lena. She was just- Lena. Hoodie wearing, pumpkin spice loving, and Yara hating Lena. Her personality was more like a blank canvas, that needed to be painted on with some kind of expression or detail. Without that, there wasn't really much to say about it. It was just...there.

That morning, Lena went down to the local coffee shop, craving a pumpkin spice latte. She walked in, and put down her hood, revealing a black, tangled mess of hair, put up into a ponytail. She walked up to the barista at the front counter.

"Hey, you think I can get a PSL for three-fifty?"

The barista responded sarcastically. "Yeah, at a Seven-Eleven! It's five forty-five."

Lena tried to reason. "Come on. I only have three-fifty. Help me out."

The barista grew impatient. "Listen little lady, the price is five forty-five. And if you don't have it, well then there's the door." He pointed to the exit. "I'm sure Seven-Eleven would be happy to have your three-fifty."

Lena grunted, and made her way to the door. Just then, a woman in a black hoodie dress, walked up to the same barista past Lena.

"Hi, can I get a pumpkin spice latte?"

Lena's eyes widened. She turned to the woman, and watched as she took six dollars out of her cross body, and paid the barista.

He smiled at the woman. "Your drink will be ready shortly."

The woman nodded, and her phone began to ring. She grabbed her phone out from her bag, and smiled as she answered.

"Hi Johnny! Yes baby, I'll be right there. I'm just getting a pumpkin spice latte. Yes, I know. But we can get it when we go to the bank. He said she left it there, so we can go there to get it for him." As the woman continued her call, she walked out the coffee shop and out to a nearby car.

Lena, not really intrigued by the lady's conversation, looked back over at the counter, and saw something that caught her eye. There on the counter, the barista had left a large cup, and on the sleeve was written: Pumpkin Spice Latte- Teresa

Lena smirked, an idea popping into her head. She did have a huge chemistry test coming up this afternoon. She should be energized for it, right? Even if Lena had an unreadable personality, the one trait she clearly possessed, was deceit.

Swiftly taking the hair tie our of her hair and letting her hair loose, Lena moved her fingers through her hair to lay it somewhat flat. She then put her hood back on to cover her greasy hair, and her face, and began speed walking toward the counter.

Looking around to make sure no one was watching, she quickly snatched the cup and made a dash for the door.

"Hey, wait!"

Lena paused, her body completely frozen. She slowly turned to face the barista who had a suspicious look on his face. He then smiled at her and held out his hand.

"You forgot your change."

Lena sighed, and moved her hood lower down on her head. She cleared her throat, and tried to sound like a woman. "Um, oh no. You keep it. Consider it a tip." And with that, Lena ran out the door, holding the cup firmly to make sure it didn't spill.

Twenty minutes later, Lena finally arrived to school, pumpkin spice latte in hand, as she quietly recited all the elements on the periodic table to herself, preparing for her chemistry test later. It didn't even phase her that she was drinking a latte she had stolen, not to mention had made a woman waste six dollars. But, Lena never thought about it. She certainly hadn't thought about it the other times she'd done it.

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