Chapter Nine

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- Saturday, November 1 -

November. A fresh month. But definitely not a fresh start.

Last night, after leaving Caleb's house, Spencer had assured Kate that they would find the person that had injured Caleb- which completely amped up the pressure of finding Stacy's murderer in general. Since the night had already gotten way too intense, he, Blake, Yara, and Lena had decided to look at the USB the next day and see what they could find. Later on, Yara had dropped the others off home, and Spencer had stayed the night over at Blake's house, spending the rest of his hours looking back on everything that had happened over the week.

His spot on the Mayrose News Team was in jeopardy, but this breaking story could be just what he needed to save it. But after seeing what had happened to Caleb, Spencer was beginning to question- was this whole thing worth it? So many innocent lives were being put in the line of fire. First Stacy, then Caleb. Could Spencer be next? Was a hitting story really worth his life? But then that night, flashbacks of his father appeared in his mind, horrifying his vision like they had so many times before. And that's when he had his answer.

Blake woke up from his bed, the daylight sun hitting his eyes like lasers. He stretched his arms out, and nearly winced at the sharp pain in his back. Escaping a lockdown, scaling over a gate, and breaking into someone's house really takes a toll on you. Of course, it was nothing in comparison to how Caleb must have felt that morning. Blake looked down at the air mattress and the scattered blankets, then at the clock on his dresser. It was nine thirty in the morning. What was Spencer doing up?

Blake got up from his bed and walked down the stairs to find Spencer sitting at the breakfast counter examining his notebook and phone. "Morning," he said, not even looking up.

Blake rubbed the exhaustion out of his eyes. "It's nine thirty on a Saturday. What are you doing up so early?"

Spencer shrugged. "Couldn't sleep last night. Had too much on my mind."

"And you chose now to get it off?"

Spencer didn't respond, and continued to look down at his book. Blake rolled his still sleepy eyes and walked to the kitchen. He should've expected that answer coming from Spencer. He made two cups of coffee, walked back to the counter, and sat on the stool on the opposite side of Spencer. "So, what've you been looking at?," he asked, sliding the other cup across the table.

Spencer caught it in his open hand and took a quick swig. "I've been searching sources that are talking about Stacy Green's death, and Caleb's injuries. Just to see if anyone's got any info we may have missed."

He passed Blake his cellphone and Blake began scrolling. "Mass Murder Mayhem! Who's Next in the Curse of Chaos?! Spence, these aren't 'sources', they're just blogs and magazine articles. And this isn't info, it's just people's opinions."

Spencer finally looked up at him, a grin on his face. "Yeah, but these would be great quotes to put in my news report."

Blake sighed. "Of course they would," he mumbled.

"Hey Blake, you're up early for once!"

From the front door, walked a tall man- about six foot two- who's skin was a tad darker than Blake's, and had crystal blue eyes. He walked in wearing a long black trench coat, with black faux fur lining the bottom and cuffs of sleeves. And tucked away under his arm, was a brown beagle, wrapped in a scarf, shivering and whimpering.

"Hey dad," Blake said, turning in his chair. "And don't get too excited. I'm only up because of this one." He tilted his head over of Spencer.

Spencer waved again not looking up from his notes. "Hey Mr.Meyers."

What Happens In Mayrose: The Story Of Stacy GreenWhere stories live. Discover now