104- Venus Threatens George-And Then She Threatens Fred

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The Weasley family had grown significantly by the time that Mali and George's wedding came around in May.

Both Bill and Percy had been married and had one child each. Victorie was almost one, and Molly was a few months old. Fred and Angelina had gotten married just a few months earlier.

The two loudest babies in the world, Hope Lupin and Alfie Black, were loudly gurgling to each other, in baby speak from their father's arms. Not to mention Ginny's now almost showing baby bump.

Despite being surrounded by all of this, the full moon was still fast approaching and that morning had found Venus in the bathroom, throwing up her breakfast.

"Let it all out Ve," Neville patted her on the back as he held her hair back for her.

"Ug," Venus flushed the toilet. "Great timing for a wedding Mali." She muttered.

"Don't worry Ve," Neville patted her shoulder. "You'll feel better once you've taken this." He passed her a goblet of Wolfsbane.

"You know that I won't." Venus complained, "it just makes me feel more ill."

"Well, drink up," said Neville. Venus did so, but unwillingly. For her last two transformations she had been experiencing more side effects, and for much longer. There had hardly been a gap between the two prolonged side effects.

"Okay, I don't feel better," Venus said once she had finished the potion, and brushed her teeth, "But unfortunately I have to put on a bridesmaid dress, so I will see you later." She kissed Neville's forehead and hurried out of the bathroom.


"So George." Venus walked into the room where George was getting ready with Fred and most of the other Weasley boys. "I know I have told you this before. But if you break Mali's heart, I'm going to cut off your arms."

George grinned at her as he finished tying his bow tie. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear you."

"Will you stop with the bloody ear jokes!" Venus rolled her eyes.

"Well, I must say, you're looking very nice today Ve," Fred was stood beside his brother, also grinning at Venus, "positively glowing."

"If you're not careful, I will throw up on you, don't test me Fred." Venus crossed her arms, "anyway, I've said what I had to say, I'm going now."


Venus sat up quickly in a bed that she didn't recognise.

"Lie back Miss Black-Weasley." A soothing voice said, and Venus realised that she was in St Mungos.

"What happened?" Venus looked around the room, which was mostly white.

"You didn't wake up after your transformation last night." The healer said, "Mr Longbottom bought you here when he realised he couldn't wake you."

Venus shook her head, trying to clear it. "So what's wrong?"

"We ran several tests," the healer glanced at her clipboard, "and the conclusion is that, well, you're pregnant Miss Black-Weasley."

Venus stared at the woman, her mouth hanging open.

"Ve?" The door opened and Neville hurried into the room, "thank Merlin you're okay. I was so worried."

"I'll give you two a moment." The healer left the room.

"So what was the matter?" Neville demanded, "they wouldn't let me see you because I'm not family, but then Sirius showed up and told them to let me in-"

"I'm pregnant Neville." Venus said bluntly.

"You're- what?"

"Pregnant," Venus repeated, "like there is currently a small person growing inside me."

"Wow." Neville sat down in the chair beside her. "Are you okay with that?"

"Why wouldn't I be okay?"

"Because-eh, you're having a baby."

"And it's your baby and I love you and-" Venus was cut off when Neville pulled her into a long kiss.

"Woa! Too much, stop daughter, stop!" Sirius had walked into the room, with Ophelia close behind him.

"Well don't just burst in unannounced then!" Venus rolled her eyes at her father.

"I'm so sorry!" Sirius said dramatically as he sat down in Neville's now vacated seat. Neville made himself comfortable beside Venus on the bed.

"Hi Ve," Ophelia gave her step-daughter a one armed hug, "how are you feeling?"

"I'm good," said Venus, she glanced at Neville, "actually we have news."

"Do tell." Sirius said interestedly.

"We're having a baby."

Sirius stared at her, open mouthed, "you," he pointed at Venus, "and you," he pointed at Neville.

"Yes, we're having a baby," Venus rolled her eyes again.

"Well I did not see that coming!" Sirius said.

What do you think it will be? A boy or a girl?
Remember to vote, comment and be amazing!
~Em xx

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