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Shelter and Worries

Soon after he had eaten, Mark found himself asleep in the mech's vehicle form. Leaving Hound to drive them both to a secure location, namely an abandoned theater in the town. One which he had heard Cade mention more than once as where he had found Optimus, and as he understood, was owned, although old, and no one was usually inside. The day seemed to go by quietly, without any sign of Cyclonus, much to his relief. So he spent most of it watching the young boy asleep inside his form just in case he stirred or tried to make a break for it.

Luckily, the boy didn't even stir until some time later when he woke up. "Rise and shine." Hound jested "I figured that if you were going to insist upon hiding out. I may as well find you somewhere where we can keep an eye on you." Hound explained politely as he opened the door up "Cade says it's owned by someone. But they rarely, if ever show up here."

Mark unbuckled himself and hopped out of the car form. "How did you drive in here anyway?" Mark asked.

Hound transformed, taking out one of his missile cigars. "Must have been something else before it was a theater. Because there's a pretty wide exit around the back. I had to carry you in though." Mark frowned a bit "Hey I found you a roof over yer head, kid. If I were you, I'd be thanking yer ole pal Hound." He noted rather bluntly.

Mark had to admit, Hound had kept to his word, and it surprised him. Silently, he crossed his arms and stared around the mostly "abandoned" theater, what he guessed he could now call his "home" for the time being. "Thanks." Mark finally spoke up "You know, for not turning me in, the food... Everything." He paused a moment "I don't really have a way of paying you back. And I'm not really sure I trust you enough that I would trust you with anything in my backpack."

"No thanks necessary." Hound held up a hand "When I was yer age in my years I went on the run for a while too. Call me a sentimental fool if you want." He noted "The Enforcers - my planet's police force, did find me eventually." He explained "Have ye ever thought what you're going to do when that happens?"

"They already have. I always outsmart them." Mark crossed his arms "I get it, you think I'm some stupid kid on the run from his past, right? I'm not. I just don't want to be a part of whatever the whole damn world is turning into." He then looked over at him "In four years, I'll be eighteen and then I can be on my own without trouble anyway. It'll go by in no time."

Hound frowned a bit, looking at the human as he continued to examine his new surroundings. He certainly was a strong kid, that much he couldn't deny. And in that sense, he couldn't help but be reminded of the son he had lost. He'd been a tough customer too, one that didn't let himself get pushed around and had thick skin. Fortunately for him, however, he had not had the same issues that Mark was going through now. "Whatever ye say, kid." Hound finally spoke up again "But it's pretty hard to make it out there on yer own. You can take my word for it."

Mark didn't want to listen, even if he knew that the mech might have had a point. He didn't want to go into foster care, and he definitely didn't want to go back to being "that psychopath's son". What did the Autobot know anyway? He didn't know him, he didn't know what a tough kid he was. "I think I'll manage." Mark replied "But I appreciate your help, I really do." He then added "I can take it from here."

"You won't have to." Hound replied "I'm gonna keep my eye on ye as long as yer here."

"Why?" Mark asked, his hands on his hips "Don't you feel like you've done enough?"

Hound stared at Mark, deep in thought. He wasn't sure how to answer that, as on one hand, he felt like he had. Yet, on the other, the boy's resilience intrigued him. What was it with this boy? Why did he seem so fascinated with the son of someone who had, on multiple occasions tried (and sometimes succeeded) to murder his own kind, his friends. "Maybe..." Hound noted "But I like ye, kid. You've got spirit and spunk." He told him with great honesty "So we'll be seeing more of each other." He added.

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